1.1 Number Systems
The simplest number system is the set of natural numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . , denoted by
the letter N. Multipl ication and addition are operations in N, meaning that the sum
or product of two natural numbers is a natural number. Subtraction, however, may
not make sense if we have only the natural numbers at our disposal. For example,
325 has no meaning in N. Therefore we must consider the larger number system Z,
the integers, consisting of the numbers . . . , 23, 22, 2 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . The set of
positive integers, f1, 2, 3, . . . g, is denoted by Z
Although addition, multiplication, and subtraction make sense in the integers,
division may not. For instance, the expression 3/5 does not represent an integer. So
we pass to the larger number system Q, which consists of all expressions of the form
a/b where a and b are integers, and b is not zero. This is the system of rational
In general, the numbers that we encounter in everyday life—prices, speed
limits, weights, temperatures, interest rates, and so on—are rational numbers.
However, there are also numb ers that are not rational. As a simple example, the
length of a diagonal of a square of side length 1 is
, which is not a rational
number (see Figure 1 and Exercise 57). As another example, the number π, which
is defined as the circumference of a circle of diameter 1, is not a rational number
(see Figure 1).
When studying calculus, it is important to remember that the rational numbers
are not appropriate for the mathematical process of taking limits. For instance,
although the sequence of rational numbers
seems to tend to, or approach, the decimal representation of π, namely
3.14159265 . . . , π is not a rational number—it cannot be represented as a quotient
of integers.
At present, when we use expressions like “tend to” and “approach a limit”
or “limits,” we are speaking intuitively. Later, when we deal with infinite decimal
expansions, we will also do so intuitively. Chapter 2 makes the notion of limit more
precise. Chapter 8 discusses in detail the ideas connected with infinite decimal
Because calculus involves the systematic use of various kinds of limiting pro-
cesses, we work not with rational numbers but with the larger real number system
R, which consists of all three types of infinite decimal expansions:
1. Dec imal expansions that, after a finite number of digits, contain only zeros This
type of decimal expansion is called terminating. The number 2.657000 . . . is an
example. We would ordinarily write this number as 2.657 and would recognize it
as the rational number 2657/1000. Any other real number with a decimal expan-
sion that is terminating can be displayed as a rational number in the same way.
2. Nonterminating expansions that, after a finite number of terms, repeat a single
block of terms endlessly An example is the number x 5 8.347626262. . . . Notice
m Figure 1 Two numbers that
are not rational: the hypotenuse
of a right triangle with base and
height 1 and the circumference of
the circle of diameter 1
2 Chapter 1 Basics