2.2 Translation symmetry in crystalline solids 11
All perfect crystals display translation symmetry in three dimensions,
whether or not any other symmetry elements (rotation, reflection and
inversion)arealso present;they areoptional, but translation is necessary.
The two-dimensional manifestation of translation symmetry is familiar
in the form of patterns on clothing and other materials, wallpaper, etc.
A complete crystal structure can be specified by describing the con-
tents of one repeat unit, together with the way in which this unit is
repeated by translation symmetry. The translation symmetry is defined
by the lattice of the structure and given numerical expression in the
parameters of a unit cell; here are two terms of vital importance in
In order to obtain the lattice of a particular crystal structure, choose
any single point in any repeat unit of the structure (for example, one
atom), and mark it with a dot. Find all the other points in the struc-
ture that are identical to this one (i.e. with identical surroundings, in
exactly the same orientation) and mark them also. Now keep the dots
and remove the structure. What remains is just a regular infinite array
of points in three dimensions. This is the lattice; all the points are iden-
tical, equivalent to each other by translation symmetry. The operation
of translation is that of moving from one point to any equivalent one.
The lattice shows the repeating nature of the structure but not the actual
form (contents) of the structural repeat unit. Starting with a different
point and repeating the whole process would give exactly the same
result, and it is not necessary to choose the lattice points to lie on atoms
(in the majority of real crystal structures they do not, because there are
conventions that put them by preference on symmetry elements that lie
between molecules and relate them to each other; more on this later).
Fig. 2.2 A unit cell.
Any translation from one lattice point to another can be represented
as a vector, because it has a definite length and a certain direction. All
such vectors, for an arbitrary choice of any two lattice points, can be
constructed by putting together multiples of three basic unit vectors that
are the shortest three non-coplanar vectors between pairs of adjacent
lattice points:
t = ua + vb + wc,
where a, b, c are the unit vectors for this lattice, and u, v, w are integers
(positive, zero, and negative values are allowed). The complete lattice
geometry can thus be defined by the three base vectors. In order to
do this with pure numbers rather than vectors, it is necessary to give
the lengths of the three vectors and the angles between each pair of
them (three angles altogether). By standard convention, the three vector
lengths are called a, b, and c, and the angles are called α, β, and γ ; α is
the angle between b and c, β is the angle between c and a, and γ is the
angle between a and b. These three vectors and 9 others equivalent to
them enclose a shape that is the three-dimensional equivalent of a two-
dimensional parallelogram (called a parallelepiped), similar to a brick
but not generally with 90
angles. This shape is called the unit cell of
the crystal structure (and of its lattice); see Fig. 2.2. One unit cell is thus