108 Fourier syntheses
considerably simplifies the mathematics, since the complex exponen-
tial terms collapse to real cosines, with disappearance of the imaginary
sine components. In pictorial physical terms, this means that each of the
waves being added together in (8.2) can only be completely in phase (0,
crest-to-crest) or completely out of phase (180
, crest-to-trough), and
the problem of finding the unknown phases reduces to the smaller
(but still considerable) task of finding the unknown signs, positive or
negative, for the reflection amplitudes |F| in order to add the waves
Fig. 8.1 Contoured section through a
Fourier synthesis in a plane containing B,
C, O and H atoms. The edge of a Pt atom
bonded to B is seen at the left. H atoms are
not visible; the ten clear peaks correspond
to atoms.
Fig. 8.2 Contoured section through a
Fourier synthesis in the plane containing
three methyl carbon atoms of a two-fold
disordered tert-butyl group. The major
component atoms are clearly seen as the
largest peaks, but the minor components
do not all give separate maxima. The small
peak at the centre is the outer edge of the
central carbon atom of the group, which
lies below this plane, where the electron
density is higher and reaches its maximum
for this atom.
A Fourier synthesis is a three-dimensional function, usually obtained
as a set of values on a three-dimensional grid. In chemical crystallog-
raphy, it is rare for such a result to be presented in full. Normally, the
positions of maxima (also called peaks) in the synthesis are found by
interpolation between the grid points (effectively a form of curve fitting
in three dimensions) as part of the computing procedure, and these posi-
tions, together with the corresponding values of the electron density, are
listed and made available as potential atom sites for visual inspection
or, more likely, interpretation through a molecular graphics program.
In most cases, this works satisfactorily, but it causes problems when
atom sites are not clearly resolved from each other, giving no discrete
maximum in the synthesis. This is the norm in protein crystallogra-
phy, where data often do not extend to atomic resolution, and different
techniques are used. With atomic-resolution data, the most common
occurrence of this problem is in cases of disorder, when the alternative
sites may be too close together to give separate maxima. Inspection of
the full Fourier synthesis in the region of the disorder may be necessary.
This can involve taking planar sections through the three-dimensional
synthesis. Sections parallel to the unit cell faces are straightforward,
as these will correspond to the grid points on which the synthesis has
been performed, but sections in arbitrary orientations can also be calcu-
lated, either explicitly at appropriate points or by interpolation between
the points of the standard grid. The sections can be contoured with lines
joiningpointsofequalelectron density, like the contours showing moun-
tains on geographical maps, and this helps to show regions of electron
density that can correspond to atom sites, even if disorder is a problem.
Examples are shown in Fig. 8.1 and Fig. 8.2.
8.4 Uses of different kinds of
Fourier syntheses
All Fourier syntheses are essentially variations on (8.2). This may be
written in a slightly different but equivalent way to help show what the
variations are.
ρ(xyz) =
exp[iφ(hkl)]exp[−2π i(hx + ky + lz)]. (8.3)