in Program 1.4. The conclusion that the surrounding fluid has less influence on
the motion of larger spheres has been drawn from the result of Program 1.1 for
free-falling bodies. The initial speed is still kept at 50 m/s.
Three wind conditions are assumed in Program 1.5 with horizontal wind speeds
of 20, 0, and −20 m/s, respectively. Because of the variable wind speed, u
can no longer be defined in the subprograms FX and FY as in Program 1.4.
Instead, the wind components are defined in the main program and transmitted
into subprograms by defining these variables as “global.”
The computer output (Table 1.A.1) shows that for the 1-cm-diameter projectile
the optimum shooting angles are all below 45
. The optimum angle in a favorable
wind is the highest, and that in an adverse wind is the lowest among the three.
The result can be explained as follows. Shooting a projectile in a vacuum at a
angle gives a range longer than the one that resulted from a lower shooting
angle, and the flight time of the projectile in the former is longer than that in the
latter case. In the presence of air without a wind, because of the shorter action
of air resistance on the body, less kinetic energy is dissipated from the projectile
shooting at a lower angle and, under appropriate conditions, the loss in horizontal
distance because of air friction can be less. The plot of trajectories for θ
= 30
and 60
in Fig. 1.5.1 is such an example. By shooting the body at a properly
chosen angle below 45
, the frictional loss can be minimized to give a maximum
range. A wind blowing in the direction of the body motion carries the body with
it. To aim the projectile higher increases the contact time with air and therefore
increases the range. On the other hand, in an adverse wind, the optimum angle
should be lower than that in a quiet atmosphere in order to reduce the retarding
effect of the wind. The computed results are in agreement with the experiences
of a golfer.
The optimum angles are not always below 45
, however, if the size of the
projectile is changed. The variations of the optimum angle with diameter under
three wind conditions are plotted in Fig. 1.5.4. The data are obtained by varying
the value of
D in Program 1.5. Figure 1.5.4 shows that for small projectiles in
a favorable wind, the optimum angle can be higher than 45
. The influence of
air on the motion of a projectile is diminishing with increasing diameter, and the
optimum angle finally approaches 45
On the curve for the adverse-wind case a sharp dip appears in a region where
the Reynolds number starts to exceed the value 3 × 10
. The phenomenon is
caused by the abrupt decrease of drag at that particular Reynolds number (see
Fig. 1.2.2).
Problem 1.7 Contrary to common sense, under certain conditions the maximum
range of a projectile can be made longer when it is thrown against the wind instead
of in the wind direction. To prove that this is possible, run Program 1.5 for a
steel sphere 0.09 m in diameter while keeping the other conditions the same. The
result will show that among the three cases the maximum range is the longest
for u
= –20 m/s. Print out the Reynolds numbers and give an explanation of
this phenomenon.