under which the lift is just balanced by the force from the stretched spring. You
may verify that in a much stronger wind the wing may approach the equilibrium
position without going through any oscillatory motion.
In Program 1.3 the lift coefficient is calculated only approximately from the
steady-state formula (1.3.7), with α defined as the instantaneous angle between
the resultant wind velocity and the chordline. Finding the actual lift on a wing
in an unsteady motion is quite involved (Theodorsen, 1935; Bisplinghoff and
Ashley, 1962, Chapter 4) and will not be discussed here. Furthermore, the angular
displacement of the wing plays an important role in causing the wing to flutter.
With the rotational degree of freedom omitted in the present formulation, the
wing–spring system becomes stable; that is, the amplitude of oscillation cannot
grow indefinitely with time.
Before an airplane is built, the designer would like to know the response of
the wing to a gusty wind. Such motions of the wing may also be simulated
by using our simplified model based on a quasisteady approximation. Suppose
that superimposed on the uniform flow there is a fluctuating horizontal velocity
component, so that the total velocity can be expressed in dimensionless form as
U (1 + a sin ωT ). The fluctuation has an amplitude aU, and its frequency is ω
times the natural frequency of the wing.
Computations have been performed after replacing U by the present form
and changing the function
CL(V)toCL(V, T) in Program 1.3. The results for
U = 100, a = 0.2, and ω = 0.5, 1, 2 are presented in Fig. 1.3.5. In response to
a gust of any frequency, the wing initially tries to vibrate at its natural frequency,
but finally sets into a periodical (not sinusoidal) motion whose frequency is
smaller than both the natural frequency and the frequency of the fluctuating
It is interesting to examine also the response to a fluctuating wind in the vertical
direction. Figure 1.3.6 shows the results for U = 100 and a = 0.2, under the
assumption that the dimensionless vertical velocity is described by −aU sin ωT .
Data were obtained from Program 1.3 after replacing V by V +aU sin ωT in
the function
F. In all three cases computed for ω = 0.5, 1, and 2, the wing finally
vibrates approximately at its natural frequency with an amplitude varying in time.
After some initial adjustment the seemingly irregular motion actually repeats the
pattern every definite period of time. This period increases with decreasing ω,
and it is equal to the period of the final oscillatory motion shown in Fig. 1.3.5
for the same value of ω.
In both examples resonance does not occur when the frequency of the gust
coincides with the natural frequency of the wing. In a wind with horizontal
fluctuations, the final amplitude of the wing motion increases with ω, while the
opposite is true in a wind with vertical fluctuations. You may experiment with the
program to find the value of ω that causes a maximum amplitude of oscillation
for each case.
Program 1.3 can easily be generalized for computing the motion of a wing in
a turbulent atmosphere with fluctuating velocities in both horizontal and vertical