Chapter 22 Interphase Transport in Nonisothermal Mixtures
The corresponding coefficients at high net mass transfer rates can be obtained by multi-
plying by the correction factor in Eq. 22.8-16.
From the last two equations we get the relation
similar relation, with an exponent of
(instead of
is obtained from the Chilton-Col-
burn relations given in Eqs. 22.3-23 to 25. The latter are valid for flows adjacent to rigid
boundaries, whereas Eq. 22.8-19 pertains to fluid-fluid systems with no velocity gradient
at the interface.
The proportionality of
to the square root of the diffusivity, given in
has been confirmed experimentally for the liquid phase in several gas-liquid mass trans-
fer systems, including short wetted-wall columns, packed columns, and liquids around
gas bubbles in certain instances. The penetration model has also been applied to absorp-
tion with chemical reactions (see Example 20.1-2).
The Flat-Plate Boundary Layer Model
The steady-state transport in the boundary layer along a flat plate for a fluid with con-
stant physical properties was discussed in g20.2. The eneral expression for the profiles,
n(q, A, K), was given in Eq. 20.2-43. There q
vJ2vx is a dimensionless position co-
ordinate measured from the plate,
is the physical property group (i.e., 1, Pr, or
(v,/v,)w is a dimensionless net mass flux from the plate.
Once again we introduce the notations defined in Table 22.8-1. Then for the bound-
ary layer calculation we have
In the boundary layer calculation it was assumed that the heat capacities of both species
are identical.
The momentum, heat, and mass fluxes for the flat plate are given in Fig. 22.8-5. Then
in the following two figures, Figs. 22.8-6 and 22.8-7, two plots are given, comparing the
correction factors,
for the film model, the penetration model, and the boundary layer
model. The boundary layer model gives a dependence on
that is not found in the other
models, because this model includes the effect of the tangential velocity profiles on the
temperature and concentration profiles. The film model predicts the smallest depen-
dence of the transfer coefficients on net mass-transfer rate.
Correction factors considerably different from
arise when either
is of mag-
or greater for
see Figures 22.8-6, 7 and 8, and the relation
Large net interfacial mass fluxes, by these measures, are common when the mass trans-
fer is mechanically driven as in ultrafiltration (Example 22.8-5) and transpiration cooling
(Problem 20B.7(c)). Large net mass fluxes can also occur in vaporization, condensation,
melting and other changes of state, and in heterogeneous chemical reactions, when ac-
companied by correspondingly large temperature differences or radiation intensities to
transfer the requisite latent heat or energy of reaction. More moderate net fluxes, and
correction factors near unity, are common in multistage and packed-column separation
processes, where the differences of temperature and composition within a separation
stage or flow cross-section are normally rather small. The energy flux ratio
is an im-
portant criterion for assessing the net-flux corrections, as illustrated in Examples 22.8-2
and 3.