24 Structural, Nanomechanical, and Nanotribological Characterization 1389
the in-situ displacement (30–200nm) increased rapidly at very low load. After that,
it increased gradually. This observation indicates that the top about 200nm of the
hair surface may be softer than the underlying layer. The scratch depth profiles also
show that the reference surface profile before scratch is not very flat, indicating that
human hair has a rough surface. AFM studies have shown that the RMS roughness
of Caucasian and Asian hair surface ranges from 7nm to 48 nm [45]. At 1 mN, the
in-situ scratch depths of all the hair samples range from 300 to 600 nm, and the
residual depths range from 50 to 200nm. Since the thickness of one cuticle cell is
about 300 to 500 nm, during the 1 mN nanoscratch test, the scratch tip might only
penetrate one cuticle cell layer.
Nanoscratch on Multiple Cuticle Cells
Most of the time when we comb our hair, the comb is scratching multiple cuti-
cle cells. Figure 24.38a shows the coefficient of friction and scratch depth profiles
as a function of normal load and tip location on multiple cuticle cells of chemo-
mechanically damaged Caucasian hair obtained in two scratch tests: scratch along
cuticle and scratch against cuticle, and Fig. 24.39b shows the SEM images of the
hair surface after scratch. The coefficient of friction obtained when the tip scratched
the hair against cuticle is significantly higher than the coefficient of friction obtained
when the tip scratched the hair along cuticle, which is known as the “directional-
ity effect”. This is understandable because when the tip scratches the hair surface
against cuticle, the 300–500nm high cuticle “wall” resists the tip to move, leading
to higher coefficient of friction [89].
By observing the surface profiles (before scratch) of Fig. 24.38a, we can clearly
see the shape (height and visible length) of each cuticle cell, i.e., the height is about
300–500nm, and the visible length is about 5–10µm, which is in good agreement
with SEM and AFM data. Thescratch tip acts as a surface profilerbeforescratching.
During scratching, the in-situ displacement increased up to about 3 µmat10mN,
while the residual depth is about 1.5 µm. Considering that the thickness of cuticle is
about 1.5 to 5µm, it is likely that during the 10mN scratch test, the tip reached the
cortex. The SEM images (Fig. 24.38b) clearly show that in both the along cuticle
and against cuticle cases, the cuticle cells were worn away. The topography of the
exposed surface is totally different from the cuticle topography and it is believed
that the exposed surface is the cortex. It can also be seen from Fig. 24.38b that the
scratching against cuticle caused much more damage to the hair than along cuticle.
Given the fact that the “directionality effect” is universal for each human hair
from all races and that the scratching along cuticle is more relevantto our daily life,
we now focus on the scratch tests along cuticle. Figure 24.39a shows the coefficient
of friction and scratch depth profiles as a function of normal load and tip location
on multiple cuticle cells of Caucasian and Asian hair (virgin, chemo-mechanically
damaged and virgin treated) and the SEM images of the scratch wear tracks. Note
that since at least five scratcheswere made on the same hair, some SEM images may
show more than one scratch wear track. For example, the SEM image of chemo-
mechanically damaged Caucasian hair shows two scratches, and the scratch wear