2.6 Models of Growth 47
the two, the force F is 2σ/R. For model A, this force causes the walls to move
with a velocity proportional to the local curvature. Thus
For arbitrary dimension D, 2 gets replaced by D −1. This picture allows us to give
an intuitive picture of the growth law for L(t). If there is a single characteristic
length scale L, then the R.H.S of Eq.(2.5.24) goes as
. The L.H.S goes as L
Equating and integrating L ∼t
For the conserved order parameter, the arguments are somewhat more compli-
cated. We will return to it in Chapter 5.
2.6 Models of Growth
In this section, we will discuss some models of growth by deposition which have, in
the last few years transcended the purpose they were invented for and became im-
portant prototypes for problems in different areas in physics and mathematics.The
simplest problem in this genre is the problem of crystal growth by depositing atoms
in the form of an atomic beam on a substrate. The substrate is D-dimensional and
growth occurs in the z-direction. At any time t, the growth is characterized by the
scalar field h(r,t) where h is the height at the point r on the substrate. One of the
interesting questions is whether the surface is rough or smooth. To answer that,
one looks at the correlation function
C(r,t)=h(x +r, t)h(x, t) (2.6.1)
This correlation function has the scaling form
For α>0, this correlation diverges as the separation increases and the surface is
deemed to be rough.
It is the random fluctuations f in the beam intensity I(r,t) (beam comes in the
z-direction) that cause the surface to become rough. The fluctuations f(r,t) are
uncorrelated in space and time. Thus,
δ(r −r
)δ(t −t
) (2.6.3)
where D
is approximately the square of the average beam intensity. In the absence
of atomic movement on the surface, the surface would be rough. But there can be
• i) evaporation or deposition from the surface
• ii) surface diffusion