There are some fairly obvious precautions which can be taken to avoid
such cracking, including the use of the slowest quench compatible with the
achievement of adequate hardenability. Also stress concentrations in the form
of notches, heavy machining grooves and sudden changes in cross section should
be avoided where possible, as these will all encourage quench-crack nucleation.
The composition of the steel is important because the transformation charac-
teristics will influence the incidence of cracking.The effect of carbon has already
been referred to but, additionally, the M
temperature decreases with increas-
ing carbon content. Thus, in higher carbon steels, the quenching stresses are less
likely to be relieved than would be the case if the martensite begins to form at
a higher temperature where the steel is more able to relieve stresses by flow
than by fracture. Further, the lower the M
temperature the larger the change
in volume during the transformation and, therefore, the higher the transfor-
mation stresses developed. Metallic alloying elements also depress the M
, but
by substantially increasing the hardenability they allow the use of less drastic
quenching which greatly reduces the probability of distortion and cracking.
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