relevant numerical predictions should be based on coupled (THMC) models when
For physical stability of the buffer clay two major factors are identified: colloid
transport and filtering, and microbiological filtering.
The issue of colloid transport through buffers was not examined in detail but
some general conditions were defined. For example, by sorbing pos itively charged
radionuclides and other cations, very small smectite particles can transport con-
taminants to the biosphere. Like many other constituents of colloidal size, such
particles can form aggregates, gels and networks that easily link to the dense buffer
clay (Pusch, 1999). Although smectite aggregates can be released if the pore-water
flow is sufficiently high, this seems impossible under the local hydraulic gradients
that prevail in the rock after closing the repository.
However, the buffer clay will tend to enter fractures in the rock although the front
of fracture-penetrating clay may be very soft. Groundwater flowing in the fractures
may, therefore, tear off small aggregates and transport them if the flow rate exceeds a
few millimeters per second. Experiments as well as field observat ions demonstrate
that the size of aggregates may range from 2 to 50 mm. Because of their surface
charge the aggregates can interact with, and attach to, the common fracture min-
erals, such as chlorite and micas. For this reason, the transport of smectite aggre-
gates over long distances is not significant.
Bacteria may stay alive and develop in soft smectitic clay. Those that reduce sulphate
are of particular importance to engineered barriers of the SKB-type as they usually
carry a negative surface charge, and hence can move through clay like large organic
polymers, such as humus colloids. However, such movement can be limited, at least
partly, by hydration conditions and the very small pore space that exists in dense buffer
clay (Pedersen, 1997). For MX-80 type clay with a density higher than 1800 kg/m
small size of interconnected voids and the limited access to free water prevent bacteria
from moving and staying alive. Although spores may survive and be operative, the
working hypothesis is that ultimately all life forms in the buffer will be eradicated.
While gamma radiation has a small impact on the longevity of the buffer smectites
(Pusch, 1994), dissolution and conversion to non-expanding clay minerals is a threat.
The chemical integrity of smectites is determined by thermodynamically controlled
reactions. Thus, mineral stability and transformations depend on the prevailing
conditions of temperature and temperature gradient under which minerals and pore-
water interact.
11.4.4. Long-Term Physical Performance of the Buffer 713