chains assume conformations like cis-trans-gauche (Lagaly, 1976; Lagaly et al.,
1976). The transition into gauche-blocks is related to the ‘‘chain melting’’ or crys-
talline/liquid-crystalline phase transitions of lipids. The possibility of conformational
changes of interlayer alkyl chains is an important condition in preparing nanocom-
Phase transitions induced by c onformational changes of the alkyl chains were also
observed for dialkyl dimethylammonium clay minerals (Okahata and Shimizu,
1989). The phase transition affects the permeation properties and intra- and inter-
molecular reaction kinetics of the adsorbed species. An example is the photoinduced
thermal isomerisation of merocyanine (MC) into spiropyran (SP) (Scheme IX)in
dioctadecyl dimethylammonium montmorillonite (Seki and Ichimura, 1990). The
decoloration reaction rate is dependent on the mobility of the surrounding chains
and is influenced by the phase transition. The reaction rate abruptly increased near
the gel to liquid–crystal phase transition tempe rature at 54 1C.
The phase transition was also investigated by luminescence measurements with
1,3-di(1-pyrenyl)propane and pyrene (Ahmadi and Rusling, 1995). The first molecule
provided a better probe molecule than pyrene because of the two pyrene groups and
formed intramolecular excimers at extremely low concentrations. In the gel state at
lower temperature, the hydrocarbon chains in trans conformation were more rigid
than in the liquid crystalline state when the alkyl chains contained many gauche
conformations and kinks. Above the phase transition the relative intensity of the
excimer peak increased gradually with increasing temperature and indicated the
increased mobility of the alkyl chains. The phase transitions of the dialkyl dime-
thylammonium silicates were also indicated by the temperature dependence of the
pyrene fluorescence as well as by the photochromism of azobenzene. The phase
transition temperatur es reported for the diaoctadecyl dimethylammonium clay min-
erals are listed in Table 7.3.4 (Ogawa et al., 1999).
The interaction of clay minerals with organic macromolecules received a consid-
erable amount of attention because of the use of clays and polymers in many in-
dustrial applications and in soil conditioning (see Chapter 10) (Theng, 1970, 1979,
1982). In many cases the polymers are adsorbed on the external surface and are not
intercalated. The adsorption of macromolecules and the influence of polymers on the
Scheme IX.
Chapter 7.3: Clay Mineral Organic Interactions348