The introduction
This short paragraph provides the readers with clues concerning the topic of the
study, introduces Debbie, one of the participants, lets readers know a little about her
life and behaviour, and invites them to speculate as to why she was avoiding contact
with other people. Of course, the answer to this question is one of the main points
investigated in the study. Thus, in this short opening vignette, the author effectively
achieves a number of important purposes.
The fifth example is exemplified by David Blane and his colleagues (Blane et al.,
2007: 718), who take an effective approach to introducing their topic by presenting
readers with a surprising fact in the opening sentence of their introduction:
Life expectancy at middle age in England, as in most European countries, has
increased since 1970 by more than during the 20th-century’s first seven
decades combined.
Cooperative learning is now accepted as an important teaching-learning
strategy that promotes positive learning outcomes for all students, including
students with a range of diverse learning and adjustment needs (Johnson and
Johnson, 2002; Slavin, 1995). When children work cooperatively together, they
show increased participation in group discussions, demonstrate a more sophis-
ticated level of discourse, engage in fewer interruptions when others speak,
and provide more intellectually valuable contributions to those discussions
(Shachar and Sharan, 1994; Webb and Farivar, 1999).
went to her class in the university museum. Although Debbie lived on the
same street and only seven blocks from the museum, she did not go to class
using the most direct route. Rather than walk down the street to the museum,
Debbie turned away from the street (a main campus thoroughfare) after only
two blocks and walked behind a large health institution. She negotiated the
hidden alleys and tricky turns that travelled through and between buildings,
emerging on the other side of the hospital. From there she slid down another
alley and entered the museum from the rear. She took the stairs rather than
the elevator, where she rarely met another soul. Although she might occasion-
ally encounter physical plant workers and delivery people, her communica-
tion with them was minimal.
Many readers would not have anticipated that life expectancy has changed so
dramatically in recent times, so the information is interesting because it is unex-
pected and not widely known.
In the final technique, the author stresses the importance of the topic. Look at how
Robyn Gillies (2006: 271–2) did this in the introductory paragraph in her study.
If you carefully read other introductions, you find that other equally interesting tech-
niques are available. Which one(s) you select depends on your own writing style, the
topic you are working with and the conventions for writing in your discipline.
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