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Chapter 10 Columns
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Stability of Structures
10.3 Euler’s Formula for Pin-Ended
10.4 Extension of Euler’s Formula to
Columns with Other End
*10.5 Eccentric Loading; the Secant
10.6 Design of Columns under a
Centric Load
10.7 Design of Columns under an
Eccentric Load
In the preceding chapters, we had two primary concerns: (1) the
strength of the structure, i.e., its ability to support a specified load
without experiencing excessive stress; (2) the ability of the structure
to support a specified load without undergoing unacceptable defor-
mations. In this chapter, our concern will be with the stability of the
structure, i.e., with its ability to support a given load without experi-
encing a sudden change in its configuration. Our discussion will
relate chiefly to columns, i.e., to the analysis and design of vertical
prismatic members supporting axial loads.
In Sec. 10.2, the stability of a simplified model of a column,
consisting of two rigid rods connected by a pin and a spring and
supporting a load P, will first be considered. You will observe that if
its equilibrium is disturbed, this system will return to its original
equilibrium position as long as P does not exceed a certain value P
called the critical load. However, if P . P
, the system will move
away from its original position and settle in a new position of equi-
librium. In the first case, the system is said to be stable, and in the
second case, it is said to be unstable.
In Sec. 10.3, you will begin the study of the stability of elastic
columns by considering a pin-ended column subjected to a centric
axial load. Euler’s formula for the critical load of the column will be
derived and from that formula the corresponding critical normal
stress in the column will be determined. By applying a factor of
safety to the critical load, you will be able to determine the allowable
load that can be applied to a pin-ended column.
In Sec. 10.4, the analysis of the stability of columns with differ-
ent end conditions will be considered. You will simplify these analyses
by learning how to determine the effective length of a column, i.e.,
the length of a pin-ended column having the same critical load.
In Sec. 10.5, you will consider columns supporting eccentric
axial loads; these columns have transverse deflections for all magni-
tudes of the load. An expression for the maximum deflection under
a given load will be derived and used to determine the maximum
normal stress in the column. Finally, the secant formula which relates
the average and maximum stresses in a column will be developed.
In the first sections of the chapter, each column is initially
assumed to be a straight homogeneous prism. In the last part of
the chapter, you will consider real columns which are designed and
analyzed using empirical formulas set forth by professional orga-
nizations. In Sec. 10.6, formulas will be presented for the allow-
able stress in columns made of steel, aluminum, or wood and
subjected to a centric axial load. In the last section of the chapter
(Sec. 10.7), the design of columns under an eccentric axial load
will be considered.
Suppose we are to design a column AB of length L to support a given
load P (Fig. 10.1). The column will be pin-connected at both ends
and we assume that P is a centric axial load. If the cross- sectional
Fig. 10.1 Column.
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