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Analysis and Design of Beams for Bending
things being equal, the beam with the smallest weight per unit
length—and, thus, the smallest cross-sectional area—should be
selected, since this beam will be the least expensive.
The design procedure will include the following steps†:
1. First determine the value of s
for the material selected from
a table of properties of materials or from design specifications.
You can also compute this value by dividing the ultimate strength
of the material by an appropriate factor of safety (Sec. 1.13).
Assuming for the time being that the value of s
is the same
in tension and in compression, proceed as follows.
2. Draw the shear and bending-moment diagrams corresponding
to the specified loading conditions, and determine the maximum
absolute value |M|
of the bending moment in the beam.
3. Determine from Eq. (5.9) the minimum allowable value S
of the section modulus of the beam.
4. For a timber beam, the depth h of the beam, its width b, or
the ratio hyb characterizing the shape of its cross section will
probably have been specified. The unknown dimensions may
then be selected by recalling from Eq. (4.19) of Sec. 4.4 that
b and h must satisfy the relation
5 S $ S
5. For a rolled-steel beam, consult the appropriate table in Appen-
dix C. Of the available beam sections, consider only those with a
section modulus S $ S
and select from this group the section
with the smallest weight per unit length. This is the most eco-
nomical of the sections for which S $ S
. Note that this is not
necessarily the section with the smallest value of S (see Example
5.04). In some cases, the selection of a section may be limited by
other considerations, such as the allowable depth of the cross
section, or the allowable deflection of the beam (cf. Chap. 9).
The foregoing discussion was limited to materials for which s
the same in tension and in compression. If s
is different in tension
and in compression, you should make sure to select the beam section
in such a way that s
# s
for both tensile and compressive stresses.
If the cross section is not symmetric about its neutral axis, the largest
tensile and the largest compressive stresses will not necessarily occur in
the section where |M| is maximum. One may occur where M is maxi-
mum and the other where M is minimum. Thus, step 2 should include
the determination of both M
and M
, and step 3 should be modified
to take into account both tensile and compressive stresses.
Finally, keep in mind that the design procedure described in
this section takes into account only the normal stresses occurring on
the surface of the beam. Short beams, especially those made of tim-
ber, may fail in shear under a transverse loading. The determination
of shearing stresses in beams will be discussed in Chap. 6. Also, in
the case of rolled-steel beams, normal stresses larger than those con-
sidered here may occur at the junction of the web with the flanges.
This will be discussed in Chap. 8.
†We assume that all beams considered in this chapter are adequately braced to prevent
lateral buckling, and that bearing plates are provided under concentrated loads applied to
rolled-steel beams to prevent local buckling (crippling) of the web.
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