missionaries, but he did not.
Waterhouse’s only major public involvement in religious
questions came in the late 1840s. Because he was both a Wesleyan and a leading citizen,
he was expected on that occasion to take a position on whether the Wesleyans of South
Australia ought to accept state aid, but all that he could do as a politician was go back and
forth on the issue, with some measure of obfuscation each time.
There are still a few more founders connected to the missionary movement through
their families. Two were father and son. Sir Theophilus Shepstone was a key figure in
South Africa. He was the son of a Wesleyan missionary who had worked among the
Sir Theophilus and his own son, Theophilus Junior, were both founders of the
Colonial Society. Theophilus Senior’s missionary background led to his becoming an
interpreter in the 1830s and 1840s, when different African tribes were required to sign
over their independence.
Later he rose to dominate British native policy in Southern
Africa. His experiences there were hardly typical of those of most Colonial Society
members. Few were in the position to report, as Shepstone did in 1848, on how ‘tribal
distinctions’ could be useful in controlling the population. His was an unattractive
imperialism worked out by a hard man in the field. He was ahead of his time.
A final example is Sir Henry Drummond Wolff, son of the Revd Mr Joseph Wolff.
Joseph Wolff, the father, was perhaps better described as ‘the missionary, the converted
Jew Dr Wolff, whose eccentric and conceited autobiography set all London laughing’.
Indeed, the Revd Mr Wolff merits a few words. He was an Asian expert, a traveller, a
convert from Judaism (yes), and a German by birth. He was also the survivor of a 600-
mile march in the nude across Central Asia after he was captured by robbers during his
search for one or more of the lost tribes of Israel; and he was the self-described ‘Apostle
of Our Lord Jesus Christ for Palestine, Persia, Bokhara, and Balkh’.
The Revd M
Wolff, although a key founder of the Irvingite Church, was not much interested in
missionary work per se outside of Europe and the Near East. His socially upward-moving
son Henry, a diplomat, a Conservative MP, a founder of the pro imperial and very
aristocratic ‘Primrose League’ (in 1883), and of course one of the founding members o
the Colonial Society, was not someone eager to march 600 miles in the nude and become
the laughing-stock of ‘all London’. Instead, he would develop an interest in banking and
Egyptian finance, but after our period.
In sum, those members of the Society connected to the missionary world were few in
number. Those few who themselves served as missionaries tended to the spiritual needs
of well-off white people in Ontario and Cape Town—so they were somewhat out of the
missionary mainstream. Nor could the Colonial Society boast even one member who had
been prominent in the anti-slavery societies, societies allied to the missionary movement
both in practice and in sentiment.
The desire to save the world, whether by converting it or by using military force to stop
the trade in slaves, did not feed into the Colonial Society of 1868. Indeed, the missionary
urge, far from contributing to the coalescence of imperialism in 1868, seemed in the
1860s to be dying out in Britain as a whole. We have seen missionaries’ sons who were
quite uninterested in continuing their fathers’ work. The dearth in missionaries was felt at
the time. The London Missionary Society blamed the rising cost of living in many parts
of the world, and began sending out women in greater numbers. The Church Missionary
Society was well aware that it had absorbed only fourteen university-educated recruits
The usual suspects 43