) Given delays like that, many people in the United Kingdom and in the colonies
alike simply assumed that routine colonial decisions could no longer continue to be
postponed until an answer could be received from London.
Meanwhile, many colonists certainly pushed for home rule. They pushed even harde
after the discovery of gold in Australia in 1851. The Colonial Office did not seriously
resist its loss of control over most of the colonies’ internal affairs. By the end of the
1850s, self-government was achieved in all but one of the colonies of white settlement
that the colonial reformers usually had in mind.
Thus there were multiple, self-
governing, bustling little English-speaking countries across North America to the Pacific,
all across the continent of Australia, in New Zealand, and, although without quite the
same powers of self-government, here and there in the Caribbean and in Southern Africa.
Suddenly, the empire was full to the brim with all the new capital cities and their cabinets
and prime ministers. Colonial reform was passé—the colonies were already reformed.
Mid-Victorian Britain and the mid-Victorian British colonists had achieved a record o
decolonization that seems astonishingly big and astonishingly peaceful.
The first step
was the tacit recognition by the governors of Canada and Nova Scotia of responsible
government in their colonies in 1846 and 1847. But this tacit recognition took place with
the approval of the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Adderley’s nemesis Lord Grey,
who indeed, with his own now watered-down Wakefieldianism, deserves much of the
He was interested in colonial self-government and emigration, but no longe
erhaps in imposing every detail of a certain economic system on each colony. He bowed
to local pressure and allowed events to take their own course. Responsible government,
then, first came into operation on 2 February 1848 in Nova Scotia. To the West, the
Governor of what was then the colony of Canada also deserves some credit for helping
Lord Grey to get the ball rolling. That Governor was Earl Elgin.
The imperial government, as John M.Ward has shown, went on to impose responsible
governments of the kind developed for Canada and then New Zealand upon the very
different Australian colonies, and to do so well before many segments of Australian
society knew or cared what responsible government was. Indeed, few people really did
know what the term meant: Cabinet government responsible to the popular house of the
legislature, and serving at its pleasure, rather than at the pleasure of a colonial governo
or some other executive.
Westminster MPs, ranging from Colonial Secretary Lord Grey down to the
ackbenchers, assumed that the system of responsible government so recently entrenched
in the United Kingdom itself—the last of the interfering Hanoverian brothers had left the
scene less than twenty years before, leaving Parliament in command—must of course be
erected in the farthest reaches of the empire as soon as possible. The Imperial Act o
1850, the fruit of Westminster’s (or at least Lord Grey’s) wish to make the Australian
colonies follow the example of Canada and Great Britain, led to the achievement o
responsible government in New South Wales, Tasmania, South Australia, and Victoria in
1855, and in Queensland in 1859.
English-speaking democracies were being erected in
a dozen outposts, most of them independent from Britain in all matters except foreign
olicy and large questions of defence. Canada even placed a tariff on British goods in
Democracy and the franchise tended to be further developed in these new countries
Empire as the triumph of theory 106