founders as part of their general vision.
nd yet pace C.C.Eldridge
and many other scholars, the founders did not have to
wait until some special time—1868 and the Abyssinian affair, the Disraeli government o
1874 to 1880, or what you will—to extend their analysis beyond the settlement colonies
to include tropical expansion as well. The founders got to the Tropics (at least in thei
own minds) on their own and at different times, as individuals, because of their need to
generalize about and categorize the broad flow of information about the world that they
had been faced with in the 1830s, 1840s, and indeed all the way through to the 1860s.
Turning one’s mind from focusing on the settlement colonies alone to take in the Tropics
was not a communal or a social act that happened all at once for everyone somewhere
etween 1868 and 1880; it was a step that could be taken at any time. Adderley is one
example. In his voluminous writings, he generalized about the world ever more broadly,
so that he was able to include the need for imperial rule in the tropics in his works on the
possibility of democracy and self-rule in other parts of the world. Other men, too, worked
themselves up to the level of global analysis and global generalization, grinding away the
differences and the specifics. J.C.Marshman did so (with his ideas about a British and
American carve-up of East Asia); so did A.R.Roche (with his plan to rival Rajah
Brooke); and so did Lord Bury himself (with his great tome on the history of Western
civilization and its culmination in Canada). So too did many others, not least those whose
lives took them back and forth from the settlement to the non-settlement empire—such as
the career governors and the railway engineers. If anything, what they were projecting on
to the world was a picture of a settlement empire marked by the mid-Victorian ideas o
duty, destiny, self-reliance, and self-government, and not so much by ideas of race o
status. Pace David Cannadine,
it wasn’t the idea of English county status hierarchies
that they projected—what they projected on to the world was a number of different ideas.
What their thinking had in common was not so much its subject matter as its order-of-
march: the shift from the noisy specifics of the world to ever quieter, ever grande
abstractions about it as the years went by.
That the founders had begun thinking about the empire as a huge general category, and
had founded the Society to propagate their views, had real effects. While, as Eldridge has
indeed shown,
the Colonial Society stayed out of politics until the mid-1870s, the fac
that there was a Colonial Society made up of men who were willing to take small
controversies and inject into them their idea of the requirements of an ever-growing,
roud, worldwide empire does seem to have made the difference. That is, the smalle
territorial questions of the 1860s had stayed small. The controversies over territorial
expansion or contraction that Great Britain faced in the 1860s did not—all of them—call
forth a pro-imperial lobby to look after whatever someone might fancy to be the large
imperial interest. But that is what did happen again and again in the 1870s, with the
Royal Colonial Institute (as it then was) openly and successfully interfering on the side o
annexation and imperial aggrandizement on every conceivable occasion, a policy that it
seems to have adopted in 1875. Many of the members, although not the Institute itself,
had begun interfering in this direction as early as the New Zealand troop withdrawal
controversy of 1869.
In the end, the picture is one of a continuous development in the individual thinking on
the part of many of these people as one period of Victorian history passed into another.
Conclusion 119