xii Contents
Appendix ..................................155
A.1 Lie Groups Representations and Fourier Transforms ....155
A.2 Clifford Algebras . . . ...................158
A.3 The Spinor Group Spin(n) ..................160
References . .............................161
Hilbert Transforms in Clifford Analysis ...................163
Fred Brackx, Bram De Knock, and Hennie De Schepper
1 Introduction: The Hilbert Transform on the Real Line .......163
2 Hilbert Transforms in Euclidean Space ...............166
2.1 Definition and Properties ..................167
2.2 Analytic Signals .......................169
2.3 Monogenic Extensions of Analytic Signals .........171
2.4 Example1 ..........................173
2.5 Example2 ..........................175
3 Generalized Hilbert Transforms in Euclidean Space ........176
3.1 First generalization . . ...................178
3.2 Second Generalization . ...................179
4 TheAnisotropicHilbertTransform .................181
4.1 Definition of the Anisotropic Hilbert Transform ......182
4.2 Properties of the Anisotropic Hilbert Transform ......183
4.3 Example ...........................184
5 Conclusion . .............................185
References . .............................186
Part III Image Processing, Wavelets and Neurocomputing
Geometric Neural Computing for 2D Contour and 3D Surface
Reconstruction ..............................191
Jorge Rivera-Rovelo, Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, and Ruediger Dillmann
1 Introduction .............................191
2 Geometric Algebra ..........................192
2.1 TheOPNSandIPNS ....................193
2.2 Conformal Geometric Algebra ...............194
2.3 RigidBodyMotion .....................195
3 Determining the Shape of an Object .................196
3.1 Automatic Samples Selection Using GGVF .........197
3.2 Learning the Shape Using Versors ..............198
4 Experiments .............................201
5 Conclusion . .............................208
References . .............................209
Geometric Associative Memories and Their Applications to Pattern
Classification ...............................211
Benjamin Cruz, Ricardo Barron, and Humberto Sossa
1 Introduction .............................211
1.1 Classic Associative Memory Models . . . .........212