74 4. Theory Reasoning in Connection Calculi
Finally, in
Bachmair et al., 1992
compatibility of paramodulation (with-
out functional reflexive axioms) with the “basic” restriction is shown, mean-
ing that paramodulation is needed into only those subterms whose positions
are given in the input clause set.
Lynch, 1995
an improved version of paramodulation which runs in
polynomial time for certain classes is described; the simultaneous paramodu-
lation calculus in
Benanav, 1990
avoids many redundant clauses by requiring
that paramodulation inferences are carried out simultaneously to all occur-
rences of the target term of the into-clause. Interestingly, the lifting lemma
holds for this case.
The paramodulation inference rule can be further restricted by using term
orderings for certain purposes: first, term orderings are used to select — usu-
ally only maximal — literals inside clauses for inferences; second, paramodu-
lation is restricted to operating in a non order-increasing way; finally, clauses
can be simplified to smaller ones in the given term ordering. Resolution calculi
of this type (often called “superposition calculi”) are described in
Zhang and
Kapur, 1988; Bachmair and Ganzinger, 1990; Nieuwenhuis and Rubio, 1995;
Bonacina and Hsiang, 1995
Bonacina and Hsiang, 1994
classifies strategies
with respect to parallelization.
All these refinements of paramodulation were suggested for non goal-
oriented resolution calculi. Similar improvements (although no simplification,
so far) for paramodulation like inferences for non goal-oriented tableaux (or
connection methods) have been suggested in
Plaisted, 1995; Voronkov and
Degtyarev, 1996
. As always in tableaux, the rules have to be defined “rigid”,
i.e. no copies of the literals in branches are allowed.
Paramodulation for model elimination (which is goal-oriented) was de-
scribed by Loveland
Loveland, 1978
. Unfortunately, none of the above re-
finements developed for resolution and tableau calculi — no need for func-
tional reflexive axioms, the basic restriction and ordering refinements — can
be used immediately in a complete way for goal-oriented calculi such as model
elimination (
Furbach et al., 1989a
; see also Section 5.7.1 for a discussion).
A typical pathological example which demonstrates the need for functional
reflexive axioms consists of solving the goal ¬P (x, x) in presence of the unit
clauses P (f(a),f(b)) and a = b. Although E-unsatisfiable, there is no refu-
tation in, say, model elimination with paramodulation. However, having the
functional reflexive axiom f(x)=f (x) at our disposal allows us to instantiate
the goal ¬P (x, x) towards ¬P (f (x),f(x)) and find a refutation then. Clearly,
the usage of functional reflexive axioms should be avoided because they allow
for arbitrary instantiation and hence blow up the search space dramatically.
In order to overcome this problem, several modifications of the paramod-
ulation inference rule have been proposed which avoid the functional reflexive
axioms but are still compatible with goal oriented calculi see
Snyder, 1991;
Moser, 1993
). If the given equations form a canonical rewrite system the
calculus of
Plaisted and Greenbaum, 1984
can be used.