4.4 Total Theory Model Elimination — MSR-Version 113
4.4.5 A Sample Application: Terminological Reasoning
Terminological reasoning was mentioned above in Section 4.1.2 as an instance
of total theory reasoning. We will show here how TTME-MSR can be used to
reason about clauses containing both ordinary and A-Box literals; the latter
will be interpreted over a background theory given by a T-Box. After some
preliminary remarks we will go to a more formal treatment.
As a prerequisite we will assume a language for the T-Box which contains
the usual constructs such as “atomic concept”, “concept conjunction”, etc.,
but allows also “concept definition, ˙=”. See
Hollunder, 1990
for a brief
For the assertional formalism (“A-Box”), we allow object descriptions
of the form a : A, where a is an object (i.e. a symbol taken from some
alphabet), and A is a concept name. For instance, Peter : Male is an ob-
ject description. Furthermore, the A-Box may contain relation descriptions
of the form (a, b):R, where a and b are objects and R is a role (e.g.
(Peter, Beate):Married). Obviously, both object and relation descriptions can
be formulated in first-order logic. For this, simply take the objects as con-
stants symbols, let “:” be a two place predicate symbol and let “(., .)” by a
2-ary function symbol. With this view we talk of A-Box literals, and we let
an A-Box consists of a finite set A-Box literals.
Usually, terminological reasoning system provide (among others) a service
to decide the consistency of an A-Box wrt. a T-Box (see e.g.
Hollunder, 1990;
Schmidt-Schauß and Smolka, 1991
), i.e. whether there is a model of both
the A-Box and the T-Box. Consistency is the most elementary problem, in
the sense that many other interesting problems, such as the subsumption,
instance, realization and retrieval problem are instances of it (see
The algorithm in
Hollunder, 1990
presupposes that an A-Box literal is
always positive, i.e. unnegated. In order to bring in negative information for
A-Box literals one defines in the T-Box a new concept which expresses the
complement of a given concept. For instance, in order to express that Peter
is not a Male state the A-Box literal Peter :
Male where Male is a new concept
which is defined in the T-Box by adding
= ¬Male to it.
As mentioned above, we are concerned with a more general proof task,
in that instead of an A-Box we allow arbitrary clauses which contain both
ordinary and A-Box literals. This clearly increases expressive power. Such an
As shown in
Paramasivam and Plaisted, 1995
even good ordinary theorem
provers can compete well with dedicated implementations for common services
such as “concept subsumption” and “classification”. For this, the knowledge
base (i.e. T-Box + A-Box) is translated into predicate logic, as usual. In order to
achieve good performance some preprocessing on the translation of the knowl-
edge base (e.g. a relevance analysis for the clauses) is needed. Further, since the
common services are quite often decidable, a theorem prover being capable of
finding finite models (if they exist) is most suitable.