6 1. Introduction
to get a sequent proof. For proof search one usually inverts the inference
rules of the sequent calculus in order to obtain the same top-down flavour
as in analytic tableaux. Smullyan’s analytic tableaux have a minimal set of
inference rules due to the uniform notation of α, β, γ and δ rules. Unlike the
sequent calculus, only (signed) first-order formula are kept in the nodes of
the trees, and due to the classification of inference rules and the absence of
structural rules, (meta-) proofs become considerably simpler.
First implementations of tableau calculi trace back into the 60s, and prob-
ably the most advanced implementation, which also contains a lot of improve-
ments of the basic calculus, is the HARP prover
Oppacher and Suen, 1988
Of course, the development of the resolution principle
Robinson, 1965b
and in particular the insight in the importance of unification for theorem
proving had its influences on tableau calculi as well. Surprisingly, it took
quite a long time until unification was brought back into analytic tableaux.
As a predecessor work, in
Brown, 1978
unification was used to guide instan-
tiation of sequents (in an incomplete way). Independently from that and also
mutually independent, analytic tableaux with unification have been defined
Reeves, 1987; Schmitt, 1987; Fitting, 1990
. The perhaps most advanced
analytic tableaux automated theorem prover is
Beckert et al., 1996
And what about connection calculi? Connection calculi, also called matrix
calculi, were developed independently by W. Bibel
Bibel, 1981; Bibel, 1983;
Bibel, 1992
and by P. Andrews
Andrews, 1976
The central concept underlying connection methods is that of a “spanning
mating”. A spanning mating for a quantifier-free matrix (e.g. a conjunction of
clauses) contains for every “path” through the matrix a complementary set of
literals from that path, and hence indicates unsatisfiability of the matrix. Ac-
cording to Bibel
Bibel, 1987
, any systematic approach for the construction
of spanning matrices qualifies as a “connection calculus”.
The close relationship between (clausal) connection calculi and (clausal)
tableau calculi became obvious in 80s only. There is agreement that tableau
calculi can be seen as connection calculi, and, of course, both include unifi-
cation. The construction of a closed tableau represents at the calculus level
the set of all (or sufficiently many) paths through a matrix and thus yields
a spanning mating. The converse, however, need not necessarily be the case:
it is conceivable that connection calculi can be developed which search for a
spanning mating in a completely different way than tableau calculi do.
In this book, model elimination
Loveland, 1968
is in the centre of inter-
est. So what about this calculus? By imposing a certain restriction on the link
structure in a tableau calculus, and restricting to clausal input formulas, one
immediately obtains a calculus which slightly generalises Loveland’s original
formulation of model elimination. Chapter 3 contains more about the rela-
tion between tableau calculi, connection calculi and model elimination. Model
elimination is very closely related to SL-Resolution
Kowalski and Kuehner,