24 2. Logical Background
hI,vi|= F.
If I
(F )=false we say that hI,vi falsifies F .
Now let M be a set of formulas. Generalizing the previous definition we
say that hI,vi satisfies M iff hI,vi|= F for every F ∈ M. This is written as
hI,vi|= M (thus, a (finite!) set of formulas can be thought as a conjunctions
of its members). Accordingly, hI,vi falsifies M iff I
(F )=false for some
F ∈ M . F is said to be a logical consequence of M, M |= F iff whenever
hI,vi|= M then also hI,vi|= F , where v is suitable for M ∪{F }. For brevity
we will write G |= F instead of {G}|= F . We say that F and G are logically
equivalent, F ≡ G,iffF |= G and G |= F .
In the following X denotes a Σ-formula or a set of Σ-formulas, and I
denotes a Σ-interpretation. X is called satisfiable iff X is satisfied by some
extended interpretation hI,vi with suitable v.IfX is not satisfiable, i.e. if
X is falsified by every suitable hI,vi then X is also called unsatisfiable. I
is called a model for X iff for all suitable assignments v it holds hI,vi|=
X. This is written as I|= X. If for some suitable assignment v, we have
(X)=false we say that I is a countermodel for X. X is cal led valid iff
every Σ-interpretation is a model for X. This is noted as |= X.IfX is a
formula it is also called a tautology.
Recall from the definition of structure above that the universe component
is required to be non-empty. Here we can indicate the motivation for this.
By the non-emptiness unexpected and contraintuitive consequences can be
prevented. For instance, the formula (∀xP(x)) →∃yP(y) is false in an inter-
pretation whose structure is empty. However we would expect this formula
to be valid.
Next we turn towards important standard results about free variables in
formulas. The first result says that the truth-value of a formula depends on
the assignment to free variables only.
Theorem 2.3.1. Suppose hI,v
i and hI,v
i are extended interpretations
with suitable assignments for a formula F . Suppose v
and v
agree on the
free variables of F . Then
i|= F iff hI,v
i|= F.
This theorem simplifies the task of computing the truth value of a formula
considerably, since only a finite subset of the — in general infinite — as-
signment has to be considered. The straightforward proof requires structural
induction and can be found for a slightly different formulation in
. Since sentences do not contain occurrences of free variables we obtain:
Corollary 2.3.1. For a sentence S and interpretation I, either
1. hI,vi|= S for every assignment v,or
2. hI,vi6|= S for every assignment v.