2.2 Syntax of First-Order Logic 17
Quite often, we will write instead of
if is clear from the context
(and similar for
It is well-known that the orderings
and are well-founded provided
that the orderings are which they are based upon (see
Dershowitz, 1987
an overview of orderings). Orderings on multisets can be generalized towards
on nested multisets
Dershowitz and Manna, 1979
, i.e. multisets on nested
multisets in a well-founded way.
For termination proofs the simplification orderings are of particular inter-
est; a simplification ordering on a set X of terms is defined as a monotonic
partial strict ordering on X which possesses the subterm property, i.e.
f(...s...) s, and the deletion property, i.e. f (...s...) f (......). The
latter property is required only if f is a variadic function symbol (such as
the multiset constructor). Various simplification orderings are known, among
them the recursive path ordering (with and without status), the semantic
path ordering and lexicographic path ordering (see again
Dershowitz, 1987
for an overview of orderings). Simplification orderings are interesting for the
following reason:
Theorem 2.1.1.
Dershowitz, 1982; Dershowitz, 1987
Any simplification
ordering on a set X of terms is a monotonic well-founded ordering on X.
It is decidable whether two terms are related in a given simplification order-
ing. This problem is NP-complete (see e.g.
Nieuwenhuis, 1993
2.2 Syntax of First-Order Logic
We will start with a common defintion.
Definition 2.2.1 (First-Order Signature). A (first-order)
signature Σ
consists of a set of objects, called symbols which can be written as the disjoint
union of the following sets:
1. a denumerable set F of function symbols,
2. a denumerable set P of predicate symbols,
3. a denumerable set X of (first-order) variables,
4. the set {¬, ∨, ∧, ←, →, ↔} of connectives,
5. the set {∀, ∃} of quantifiers, and
6. the set {(,,,)} of punctuation symbols.
The sets 1–3 may differ from signature to signature, while the remaining sets
4–6 are the same in every signature. The former ones are therefore called
the parameters of the signature, and it is sufficient to refer to a signature
uniquely as a triple Σ = hF, P, Xi.
In definitions parenthesis indicate a long form of the definiens. Usually the short
form is used.