4.3 Theory Model Elimination — Semantical Version 91
equality and partial orderings, but also the empty theory. These examples in-
dicate the importance of definite theories, and so the question arises whether
there are optimizations for this case.
Unfortunately, it is not clear whether results from the non-theory case
carry over to TTCC-Link. For instance, if the (definite) theory is T = {B ∧
C → A}, and a TTCC-Link derivation (for appropriate input clause set)
starts with the inference
[¬A] `
[¬A],{|¬A,B,C|},{|B, C∨¬D|}
[¬A · B ·¬D], [¬A · B · C]× ,
with key set {|¬A, B, C|}, then the subtree below [¬A · B ·¬D] might well
contain reduction steps to B. Notice that this is even the case for Horn input
clause sets.
Order of Extending Clauses. The problem addressed here has no counter-
part in the non-theory version. It concerns the order in which the extending
clauses are fanned below the extended branch. The example in the previous
paragraph will suffice to illustrate the problem; we will only use input clause
B ∨ E instead of B. Then the following two different TTCC-Link-Ext steps
using the same key set, same selected branch and same extending clauses
[¬A] `
[¬A],{|¬A,B,C|},{|B∨E, C∨¬D|}
[¬A · E], [¬A · B ·¬D], [¬A · B · C]×
vs. [¬A] `
[¬A],{|¬A,B,C|},{|C∨¬D, B∨E|}
[¬A ·¬D], [¬A · C · E], [¬A · C · B]×
Notice that the leaves of the resulting tableau are the same, but the
respective ancestor literals are not. Due to this, it is not obvious whether the
order of extension is important to obtain a complete calculus. Clearly, with
regard to a proof procedure, it is most desirable to have as much as don’t
care nondeterminism (“any ordering is complete”) in favor of don’t know
nondeterminism (“there is an ordering which is complete”). However, on the
other side, there might be a superlinear speedup when using the “right” order
of extending clauses (cf. Theorem 4.3.1 below).
Regularity. Recall from Section 3.3 the regularity restriction, which says that
in a derivation no branch may contain two identical literals. Unfortunately, I
did neither succeed to find a proof showing that regularity can be maintained
for TTCC-Link, nor could I find a counterexample. So this question must
remain open.
In order to address these problems, I suggest a moderate change in the
data structures. These modifications let the “definite theories” problem and
the “order of extending clauses” disappear, and positive answers to these
problems will be trivial consequences of the completeness theorem. Further,
the definition of “regularity” can still be used and is complete (because it
yields a weaker version of regularity).
The literal trees used below are no longer clausal tableau, in the sense
that the input clauses can be identified within the tableau as sibling nodes