56 1. Basic concepts in nuclear physics
• The antisymmetric isospin T =0stateisthestateofthedeuteron,the
only nucleon–nucleon bound state. The deuteron has a symmetric spatial
wavefunction. It is mainly an s–wave.
Owing to the generalized Pauli
principle, it must have a symmetric spin state, i.e. S = 1, and a total
angular momentum J =1.
• There are no bound symmetric isospin states (T = 1). The interaction is
only slightly weaker than in the T = 0 state, there exists what is called
technically a “virtual state,” nearly bound.
• Weseewiththisexamplethatchargeindependenceismoresubtlethan
a simple invariance with respect to interchange of neutrons and protons.
Otherwise, we would be sure to observe a neutron–neutron bound state
(possibly unstable under β decay) in addition to the deuteron.
Isospin states of a system of A nucleons are constructed in the same way
as total spin states of A spin-1/2 particles. If a nucleus has isospin T ,we
expect to observe 2T + 1 isobars which have similar physical properties. This
whose spectra are shown on Fig.
1.16, and which form an isospin 1/2 doublet.
A nucleus (Z, N) has an isospin T at least equal to |N −Z|/2. We expect
to observe at least 2T +1 = |N −Z|+ 1 isobars of different charges, but with
similar nuclear properties.
The electric charge of a system of A nucleons, of total isospin T is, ac-
cording to (1.130),
Q = T
+ A/2 .
A is (obviously) the baryon number of the system.
1.7.5 Origin of isospin symmetry; n-p mass difference
The near-equality of the proton and neutron masses is a necessary ingredient
for isospin symmetry to appear. This symmetry can be understood quite
naturally in the context of the quark model where nucleons are states of
three quarks. The proton is a (uud) bound state of two u quarks of charge
2/3 and one d quark of charge -1/3. The neutron is a (udd) bound state, with
two d quarks and one u quark.
Quarks interact according to the laws of “quantum chromodynamics”
or QCD. In this theory, forces are universal in the sense that they make
strictly no distinction between types, or flavors, of quarks involved. The only
difference between the u and d quarks are their masses or charges and we
can expect that the proton and neutron masses differ because of the differing
quark masses and/or from electromagnetic effects.
It is tempting to suppose that isospin is an exact symmetry of strong
nuclear interactions and that electromagnetism is a calculable, and compar-
atively small, correction. In that framework, it would be natural to assume
A small d-wave component is necessary in order to explain that the deuteron is
not spherical, as mentioned previously.