1.4 Nuclear forces and interactions 31
from first principles. In fact Coulomb’s law (or more generally the equations of
electromagnetism) determines the interactions between electrons and nuclei.
Spin corrections and relativistic effects can be calculated perturbatively to
very good accuracy because of the smallness of the fine structure constant
α = e
¯hc ∼ 1/137. Together with the Pauli principle which leads to the
shell structure of electron orbitals, these facts imply that one can calculate
numerically spectra of complex atoms despite the difficulties of the many-
body problem.
Unfortunately, none of this holds in nuclear physics. Forces between nu-
cleons are neither simple nor fully understood. One of the reasons for this
is that the interactions between nucleons are “residuals” of the fundamental
interactions between quarks inside the nucleons. In that sense, nuclear in-
teractions are similar to Van der Waals forces between atoms or molecules,
which are also residual or “screened” Coulomb interactions. For these rea-
sons, forces between nucleons are described by semi-phenomenological forms,
e.g. (1.56), which are only partly deduced from fundamental principles.
Reversing the order of inference, physicists could have derived the form
of Coulomb’s law from the spectrum of bound states of the hydrogen atom.
This is not possible in nuclear physics because there is only one two-nucleon
bound state, the deuteron. In the next subsection, we will find that there is
much to be learned from this fact but it will not be sufficient to derive the
nucleon–nucleon potential in all its detail. To do this, we will need to attack
the more difficult problem of nucleon–nucleon scattering. This will be done
in Chap. 3. When we do this, we will be confronted with the other major
difficulty of nuclear forces: the coupling constants are large so perturbative
treatments do not apply as systematically as in atomic physics.
1.4.1 The deuteron
There is only one A = 2 nucleus, the deuteron, and it has no excited states.
Its binding energy, quantum numbers, and magnetic moments are
B(2, 1) = 2.225 MeV J
. (1.42)
Note that B(2, 1) is quite small compared to typical nuclear binding energies,
8 MeV per nucleon.
We also note that to good approximation µ
= µ
the magnetic moment comes only from the spins of the constituents, implying
that the nucleons are in a state of vanishing orbital angular momentum,
l = 0. In fact, this turns out only to be a good first approximation since the
deuteron is slightly deformed, possessing a small quadrupole moment. This
requires that the wavefunction have a small admixture of l = 2. Both l =0
and l = 2 are consistent with the parity of the deuteron since for two-nucleon
states, the parity is −1
Since the deuteron has spin-1 and is (mostly) in an l = 0 state, the spins
of the nucleons must be aligned, i.e. the total spin, s
= s
+ s