46 1. Basic concepts in nuclear physics
An important example in producing heavy elements is neutron capture
accompanied by the production of k photons:
n+(A, Z) → (A + 1, Z) + kγ + Q (1.102)
The fact that binding energies per nucleon are ∼ 8 MeV means that Q is
positive and of order 8 MeV (near the bottom of the stability valley). Since
the final state photons are the only relativistic particles, we can expect that
they take all the energy,
∼ Q. A detailed calculation of the constraints
of energy-momentum conservation confirms this (Exercise 1.10).
Of course, some reactions involve no relativistic particles, for example
dt → n
He + 17.58 MeV. (1.103)
We leave it to Exercise 1.11 to show that in the limit of low-center-of-mass
energy, the final state neutron takes the majority of the 17.58 MeV.
1.6.2 Angular momentum and parity (non)conservation
Angular momentum conservations plays a different role than that of energy-
momentum conservation. The latter can by verified to a useful precision in
individual events where the energies and momenta of final-state particles can
be compared with those of the initial-state particles. This is because there is
a relatively well-defined correspondence between momentum wavefunctions
(plane waves) and the classical tracks of particles that are actually observed,
i.e. a plane wave of wave vector k and angular frequency ω generates a de-
tector response that appears to be due to a classical particle of momentum
¯hk and energy E =¯hω.
On the other hand, the wavefunctions corresponding to a definite angular
momentum, correspond to certain angular dependence of the function about
the origin. This information is lost when an individual track going in a par-
ticular direction is measured. It can be recovered only by observing many
events and reconstructing the angular distribution.
The same consideration applies to parity which gives the behavior of a
wavefunction under reversal of all coordinates. Its conservation can only be
verified in the distribution of tracks. As it turns out, parity is not in fact
conserved in the weak interactions, as we will see in Chap. 4.
1.6.3 Additive quantum numbers
As we have already emphasized nuclear reactions may or may not respect
certain additive conservations laws. The most important is electric charge
conservation which is believed to be absolutely respected in all interactions.
The second most respectable conservation law is that of baryon number,
i.e. the total number of nucleons (neutrons and protons), minus the total
number of anti-nucleons (antiprotons and antineutrons). For instance, the