126 3. Nuclear reactions
experiments using positively charged particles whose energy is sufficiently low
that they cannot penetrate inside the nucleus.
This is how, in 1908, Rutherford discovered that the positive charge inside
atoms is contained in a small “nucleus.” Rutherford reached this conclusion
after hearing of the results of experiments by Geiger and Marsden study-
ing the scattering of α-particles on gold foils. While most α’s scattered into
the forward direction, they occasionally scatter backward. This was impos-
sible to explain with the then popular “plum pudding” model advocated by
J.J. Thomson where the atom consisted of electrons held within a positively
charged uniform material. A heavy α-particle cannot be deflected through a
significant angle by the much lighter electron. On the other hand, scatter-
ing at large angle would be possible in rare nearly head-on collisions with a
massive, and therefore immobile, gold nucleus.
After this brilliant insight, Rutherford spent some time (2 weeks [5]) cal-
culating the expected angular distribution which turned out to agree nicely
with the observed distribution. Rutherford’s model naturally placed the light
electrons in orbits around the heavy nucleus.
Another 17 years were necessary to develop the quantum mechanics that
explains atomic structure and dynamics.
We expect the Rutherford cross-section calculation to fail if the electron
can penetrate inside the nucleus. Classically, this will happen for head-on
collisions if the initial kinetic energy of the α particle is greater than the
electrostatic potential at the nuclear surface:
∼ 1.2 A
MeV , (3.48)
where 2Z is the product of the α-particle and nuclear charges, α is the fine
structure constant, and we have used R ∼ 1.2A
fm and Z ∼ A/2. We
expect the backward scattering to be suppressed for energies greater than this
value. The naturally occurring α-particles used by Rutherford have energies
of order 6 MeV so the effect can only be seen for Z/A
< 3 corresponding
to A<11. Rutherford and collaborators used this effect to perform the first
measurement of nuclear radii.
3.3 Quantum mechanical scattering on a fixed potential
Quantum mechanical collision theory is treated at length in many text-
In this section, we will present two simple approximate methods
applicable to scattering due to weak and electromagnetic interactions. The
See for instance M. L. Goldberger and K. M. Watson, Collision Theory, John
Wiley & Sons, 1964; K. Gottfried, Quantum Mechanics, W. A. Benjamin, 1966; J-
L. Basdevant and J. Dalibard, Quantum Mechanics Chapter 18, Springer-Verlag,