3. Nuclear reactions
In the last chapter we studied how nucleons could combine with each other to
form bound states. In this chapter we consider how free particles and nuclei
can interact with each other to scatter or initiate nuclear reactions. The con-
cepts we will learn have great practical interest because they will allow us,
in later chapters, to understand the generation of thermal energy in nuclear
reactors and stars. However, in this chapter we will primarily be concerned
with learning how to obtain information about nuclear interactions and nu-
clear structure from scattering experiments. In such experiments, a beam of
free particles (electrons, nucleons, nuclei) traverses a target containing nuclei.
A certain fraction of the beam particles will interact with the target nuclei,
either scattering into a new direction or reacting in a way that particles are
created or destroyed.
Classically, the character of a force field can be found by following the
trajectory of test particles. The oldest example is the use of planets and
comets to determine the gravitational field of the Sun. The nuclear force can
not be studied directly with this technique because its short range makes it
impossible to follow trajectories through the interesting region where, in any
case, quantum mechanics limits the usefulness of the concept of trajectory.
It is generally only possible to measure the probability of a certain type
of reaction to occur. In such circumstances, it is natural to introduce the
statistical concept of “cross-section” for a given reaction.
Cross-sections will be discussed in general terms in the Sect. 3.1. The
sections that follow will present various ways of calculating cross-sections
from knowledge of the interaction Hamiltonian.
Section 3.2 will tackle the simple problem of a particle moving into a fixed
potential well. The cross-section will be calculated first supposing that the
particle follows a classical trajectory and then by using quantum perturba-
tion theory on plane waves. The use of perturbation theory will allow us to
treat both elastic and simple “quasi-elastic” collisions due to electromagnetic
or weak interactions. The section will end with a discussion of elastic scat-
tering of wave packets that will allow us to better understand the angular
distribution of scattered particles
The most important potential treated in Sect. 3.2 will be the Yukawa