Knotted Surfaces, Braid Movies, and Beyond 215
Obviously, they can b e glued only if they have either a morphism or an
object in common.
Just as the fundamental problem in an ordinary category is to determine
if two morphisms are the same, the fundamental problem in a 2-ca tegory is
to determine if two 2-morphisms are the same. The geometric depiction of a
2-category consists of dots for objects, arrows between dots for morphisms,
and polygons (where ‘poly’ means two or mo re) for 2-morphisms. Thus,
by c omposing 2- morphisms we obtain faces of polyhedra, and an equality
among 2-morphisms is a solid bounded by these fac e s.
4.2 The 2-category of braid movies
This section is an interpretation of Fischer’s work in the braid movie
scheme. Here we give a description of the 2-ca tegory associated to n-string
2-braids. There is one object, the integer n, and this is identified with n
points arranged along a line. The set of morphisms is the set of n-string
braid diagrams (without an eq uivalence relation of isotopy imposed). Two
diagrams related by a level-preserving isotopy of a disk which keeps the
crossings are identified, but for example two straight lines and a braid dia -
gram represented by σ
are distinguished. Equivalently, a morphism is
a word in the letters σ
, . . . , σ
. A generating set of 2-morphisms is the
collection of E BCs.
More generally, consider the 2-category in which the collection of objects
consists of the natural numbers {0, 1, 2, . . .}; each number n is identified
with n dots arranged along a horizontal line. The set of morphisms from
n to m when m 6= n is empty, and the set of morphisms fro m n to n is
the set of n-string braid diagrams (or equivalently words on the alphabe t
, . . . , σ
}). A tensor product is defined by addition of integers, and 0
acts as an identity for this product. A 2-morphism is a sur fa ce braid that
runs b e tween two n-string braid diagra ms . Equivalently, a 2-morphism can
be represented by a movie in which stills differ by at most an EBC.
We define a braiding which is a 1-morphism from n + m to m + n,
by braiding n strings in front of m strings; that is, the braid diagram
represented by the braid word
) · ·(σ
) · ··· · (σ
Assertion 1 With the tensor product, identity, and braiding defined
above, we can define all the data (various 2-morphisms) in terms of braid
movies such that the 2-category of braid movies defines a braided monoidal
Sketch of Proof In Figs 13 and 14 a set of movie moves to ribbon
diagrams are depicted. These are illustra tions of the Kapranov–Voevodsky
axioms as interpreted in our setting.
In the middle of figures polytopes are depicted. These are two exam-