viii Preface
to the Feynman integral and Feynman’s operational calculus’, on his work
with Michel Lapidus on rigorous path integral methods. Viktor Ginzburg
then spoke on ‘Vassiliev invariants of knots’, and in the afternoon, Paolo
Cotta-Ramusino spoke on ‘4d quantum gravity and knot theory’. This talk
dealt with his work in progress with Maurizio Martellini. Just as Chern–
Simons theory gives a great deal of infor mation on knots in 3 dimensions,
there appe ars to be a relationship between a certain class of 4-dimensional
theories and so- c alled ‘2-knots’, that is, embedded s urfaces in 4 dimensions.
This class , called ‘BF theories’, includes quantum gravity in the Ashtekar
formulation, as well as Donaldson theory. Cotta-Ramusino and Martellini
have described a way to construct observables as sociated to 2-knots, and
are endeavoring to prove at a pertur bative level that they give 2-knot in-
va riants.
Louis C rane sp oke on ‘Quantum gr avity, spin geometry, and categor-
ical physics’. This was a review of his work on the relation between
Chern–Simons theory and 4 -dimensional quantum gravity, his construc-
tion with David Yetter of a 4-dimensional TQFT ba sed on the 15 j symbols
for SU
(2), and his work with Igor Frenkel on certain braided tensor 2-
categories . In the final talk of the workshop, John Baez spo ke on ‘Strings ,
loops, knots and g auge fields’. He attempted to clarify the similarity be-
tween the loop representation of quantum gravity and string theory. At
a fixed time both involve loops or knots in space, but the string-theoretic
approach is also related to the study of 2-kno ts.
As some of the speakers did not submit papers fo r the procee ding s, pa-
pers were also solicited from Steve Carlip and also from J. Scott Carter and
Masahico Saito. Carlip’s paper, ‘Geometric structur e s and loop variables’,
treats the thorny issue of relating the loop representation of quantum grav-
ity to the traditional formulation of gravity in terms of a metric. He treats
quantum gravity in 3 dimensions, which is an exac tly soluble test case. The
paper by Carter and Saito, ‘Knotted surfa c es, braid movies, and beyond’,
contains a review of their work on 2-kno ts as well as a number of new re-
sults on 2-braids. They also discuss the r ole in 4-dimensional topo logy of
new algebraic structures such as braided tensor 2-categories.
The editor would like to thank many people for making the workshop
a success. First and foremost, the speakers and other participants are to
be congratulated for making it such a lively and interesting event. The
workshop was funded by the Departments of Mathematics and Physics
of U. C. Riverside, and the chairs of these departments, Albert Stralka
and Benjamin Shen, were crucial in bringing this ab out. Michel Lapidus
deserves warm thanks for his help in planning the workshop. Invaluable
help in organizing the workshop and setting things up was provided by the
staff of the Department of Mathematics, and particularly Susan Spranger,
Linda Terry, and Chris Truett. Arthur Greenspoon kindly volunteered to
help edit the proceedings. Lastly, thanks go to all the participants in the