22 Abhay Ashtekar and Jerzy Lewandowski
would consist of all square-integrable functions on A/G with respect to
some measure. Thus, the theory of integration over A/G would lie at
the heart of the quantization procedure. Unfortunately, since A/G is an
infinite-dimensional non-linear space, the well-known techniques to define
integrals do not go through and, at the outset, the problem appears to be
rather difficult. Even if this problem co uld be overcome, one would still
face the issue of constructing self-adjoint operators corresponding to phys-
ically interesting observables. In a Hamiltonian approach, the Wilson loop
functions provide a natural set of (manifestly gauge-invariant) configura-
tion observables. The problem of constr ucting the ana logous, manifestly
gauge-invariant ‘momentum observables’ is difficult already in the classical
theory: these observables would cor respond to vector fields o n A/G and
differential ca lculus on this space is not well developed.
Recently, Ashtekar and Isham [2] (herea fter referred to as A–I) devel-
oped an algebraic appr oach to tackle these problems. The A–I approach
is in the setting of canonical quantization and is ba sed on the ideas in-
troduced by Gambini and Trias in the context of Yang–Mills theories [3 ]
and by Rovelli and Smolin in the co ntext of quantum general relativity
[4]. Fix an n-manifold Σ on which the connections are to be defined and
a compact Lie group G which will be the gauge group of the theory un-
der consideration
. The first step is the construction of a C*-algebra of
configuration observables—a sufficiently large se t of gaug e -invariant func-
tions of connections on Σ. A natural strategy is to use the Wilson loo p
functions—the tra c es of holo nomies of connections around closed loops on
Σ—to generate this C*-algebra. Since these are configuration observables,
they commute even in the quantum theory. The C*-algebra is therefore
Abelian. The next step is to cons truct representations of this algebra.
Fo r this, the Gel’fand spec tral theory provides a natural setting since any
given Abelian C*-algebra with identity is naturally isomorphic with the
C*-algebra of continuous functions on a compact, Hausdor ff space, the
Gel’fand spectrum sp(C
) of that algebra. (As the notation suggests,
) can be constructed directly from the given C*-algebr a: its ele-
ments are homomorphisms from the given C*-algebra to the ?-algebra of
complex numbers.) Consequently, every (continuous) cyclic representation
of the A–I C*-algebra is of the following type: the carrier Hilbert space is
), dµ) for some regular measure dµ and the Wilson loop operators
act (on square-integrable functions on sp(C
)) simply by multiplication.
A–I pointed out that, since the elements of the C*-algebra are labelled by
loops, there is a 1–1 corres po ndence between regular measures on sp(C
In typical applications, Σ will be a Cauchy surface in an (n + 1)-dimensional space-
time in the Lorentzian regime or an n-dimensional spacetime in the Euclidean regime.
In the main body of this paper, n will be taken to be 3 and G will be taken to be
SU (2) both for concreteness and simplicity. These choices correspond to the simplest
non-trivial applications of the framework to physics.