Holonomy C*-algebras 57
any dimension and let the gauge group G be either U(N) or SU(N ). Con-
sequently, there are two types of complications : algebraic and topological.
The first arise because, for example, the pr oducts of traces of holonomies
can no longer be expressed a s sums while the second arise because the
connections in question may be defined on non-trivial principal bundles.
Nonetheless, we will see that the main results of the paper continue to hold
in these cases as well. Several of the results also hold when the gaug e group
is allowed to be any compact Lie group. However, for brevity of presen-
tation, we will refr ain from making digressions to the ge neral case. Also,
since mo st of the arguments are r ather similar to those given in the main
text, details will be omitted.
Let us begin by fixing a principal fibre bundle P (Σ, G), obtain the
main results, and then show, at the end, that they are independent of
the initial choice of P (Σ, G). Definitions of the space L
of based loops,
and holonomy maps H(α, A), are the same as in Section 2. To keep the
notation simple, we will continue to us e the same sy mbols as in the main
text to denote various spaces which, however, now refer to connections on
P (Σ, G). Thus, A will denote the space of (suitably regular) connections
on P (Σ, G), HG will denote the P (Σ, G)-hoop gro up, and
HA will be the
holonomy C*-algebra generated by (finite sums of finite products of) traces
of holonomies of connections in A around ho ops in HG.
B.1 Holonomy C*-algebra
We will set T
(A) =
TrH(α, A), where the trace is taken in the fun-
damental representation o f U(N ) or SU (N), and reg ard T
as a function
on A/G, the space of gauge-equivalent connections. The holonomy alge-
bra HA is, by definition, generated by all finite linear combinations (with
complex coefficients) of finite products of the T
, with the ?-relatio n given
by f
f, where the ‘bar’ stands for complex conjugation. Being traces
of U (N) and SU (N) matrices, T
are bounded functions on A/G. We can
therefore introduce on HA the sup nor m
kfk = s up
and take the completion of HA to obtain a C*-algebra. We will denote it
by HA. This is the holonomy C*-algebra.
The key difference between the structure o f this HA and the one we
constructed in Section 2 is the following. In Section 2, the ?-algebra HA
was obtained simply by impos ing an equivalence relation (K, see eqn (2.7))
on the free vector space genera ted by the loop space L
. This was po ssible
because, owing to SU (2) Mandelstam identities, products of any two T
could be expressed as a linear combination of T
(eqn (2.6)). For the gr oups
under consideration, the situation is more involved. Let us summarize the
situation in the slightly more general context of the group GL(N). In