44 Abhay Ashtekar and Jerzy Lewandowski
of the form F , we have the result that
HA is embedded in the C*-algebra
Next, we will show that there is also an inclusion in the opposite di-
rection. We first note a fact about SU(2). Fix n elements (g
, . . . , g
of SU (2). Then, from the knowledge of traces (in the fundamental rep-
resentation) of all elements which belong to the group generated by these
, i = 1, . . . , n, we can reconstruct (g
, . . . , g
) modulo an adjoint map.
It therefore follows that the space of functions
f on B
(considered as
a copy of [SU (2)]
/Ad) which come from the functions F on
HA (using
all the hoops ˜α
∈ S
) suffice to separate points of B
. Since this space
is compact, it follows (from the Weierstrass theorem) that the C*-algebra
generated by these projected functions is the entire C*-algebra of contin-
uous functions on B
. Now, suppose we are given a cylindrical function
A/G. Its projection under the appropriate π(S
) is, by the preceed-
ing result, contained in the projection of some element of HA. Thus, C is
contained in HA.
Combining the two results, we have the desired result: the C *-algebras
HA and C are isomorphic. 2
Remark Theore m 4.3 suggests that from the very beg inning we could
have introduced the C*-algebra C in place of HA. This is indeed the case.
More precisely, we could have proceeded as follows. Begin with the spa c e
A/G, and introduce the notion of hoops and hoop decomposition in terms of
independent hoops. Then given a subgroup S
of HG generated by a finite
number of independent hoops, we could have introduced an equivalence
relation on A/G (not A/G which we do not yet have!) as follows: A
∼ A
iff H(˜γ, A
) = g
H(˜γ, A
)g for all ˜γ ∈ S
and some (hoop independent)
g ∈ SU (2). It is then again true (due to Lemma 3.3) that the quotient
[A/G]/ ∼ is isomorphic to B
. (This is true ins pite of the fact that we
are using A/G rather than
A/G because, as remarked immediately after
Lemma 4.1, each {
A} ∈ [A/G]/ ∼ contains a regular c onnection.) We
can therefo re define cylindrical functions, but now on A/G (rather than
A/G) as the pullbacks of continuous functions on B
. These functions
have a natural C*-algebra structure. We can use it as the starting point
in place of the A–I holonomy algebra. While this strategy seems natural
at first from an analysis viewpoint, it has two drawbacks, both stemming
from the fact that the Wilson loops are now assigned a secondary role.
Fo r physical applications, this is unsatisfactory since Wilson loops are the
basic observables of gauge theories. Fro m a mathematical viewpoint, the
relation between knot/link invariants a nd measures on the spectrum of the
algebra would now be obscure. Nonetheless, it is good to keep in mind
that this alternate str ategy is available as it may make other issues more