22 Tribology of Metal Cutting
off with each chip segment. According to Ernst, this type of chip is most easily dis-
posed off; finish of the machined surface is good, when pitch of the segments is small;
Type 2 – continuous chip with continuously escaping compressed layer adjacent to the
tool face. According to Ernst, this chip type is the ideal chip form from the stand-
point of quality of finish of the machined surface, temperature of the tool point and
power consumption; and Type 3 – continuous chip with built-up edge adjacent to
the tool face. According to Ernst, this chip type is commonly encountered in ductile
materials. Finish is rough due to fragments of built-up edge escaping with the workpiece
[61]. Although these chip types were identified as “classical” [51] and this classifi-
cation is still widely used today in many books on metal cutting [11,42,81], no one
pays attention to either the way these chip types were obtained (cutting regime, tool
and work materials, tool geometry, etc.) or to the physical characteristics of these chip
As is well known [6,12,25,29], the shape of the chip depends primarily on the work
material, cutting regime, and tool material and geometry. According to Ernst [61], these
chip types were obtained in pure orthogonal cutting at extremely low cutting speed
(2 in/min = 0.05 m/min) using very specific work materials (high lead bronze and low
carbon, medium nickel chromium steel SAE 3115) and cutting tool (rake angle 23
From the results of numerous experiments presented by Zorev [29], it is conclusively
proven that cutting physics and mechanics of the machining are entirely different at low
and at high cutting speeds as well as in the appearance, shape and metallurgy of the
chip formed.
Using the results of comparison of cutting at low and high cutting speeds obtained by
Zorev [29], one can conclude that the classification discussed cannot satisfy growing
theoretical and practical requirements to understand the nature of chip formation. As a
result, the national industries of the developed countries have adopted more practical
classifications of chip type. For example, in Japan, the Subcommittee “Chip Disposal”
of the Japan, Society for Precision Engineering (JSPE) adopted a revised system of chip
forms, which includes nine chip types, basically classified according to the length of
the chip. Standard ISO 3685-1977 gives a comprehensive chip-form classification based
on the size and shape of various chips generally produced in metal machining. Other
available classifications are discussed in detail by Jawahir and Luttervelt [82].
Unfortunately, the known classifications of the chip formed in machining originate only
from the differences in chip appearance, but pay no attention to the physical state of the
chip, including its state of stress and strain, hardness, texture, etc. Moreover, neither the
complete set of tool geometry parameters nor the cutting regime (for example, the true
uncut chip thickness and its width) is taken into consideration [83]. Thus, the known
classifications are of a post-process nature rather than being of help in making pre-process
intelligent decisions in process optimization and in understanding the tool–chip contact
A need is felt to develop a model of chip formation that can be used to analyze actual
tribological conditions at the tool–chip interface. As such, in addition to the system
concept in metal cutting, time dependence of cutting system parameters and their dynamic
interactions [25,83] and the time axis will be added to this model.