Instrumentation. The minimum instrumentation requirement in any tensile or compression test is that for force
measurement. Typically, forces are measured with the test machine force transducer (load cell) in the same
manner as for forces measured in room temperature tests. During low-temperature tests, precautions should be
taken to ensure the load cell remains at ambient room temperature.
Strain measurements may require temperature dependent calibration. Common strain measurement methods
used are test machine displacement, bondable resistance strain gages, and clip-on extensometers or
compressometers. Also applicable to low-temperature strain measurements but less commonly used are
capacitive transducer methods (Ref 11), noncontact laser extensomers, and linear variable differential
transformers (LVDT) with extension rods to transmit displacements outside of the environmental chamber to
the LVDT-sensing device.
Test machine displacement (stroke or crosshead movement) is a simple, low-accuracy method of estimating
specimen strain. The inaccuracy comes because the displacement includes deflection of the test fixturing plus
the test specimen gage section. Compensating for test fixturing compliance improves accuracy.
Bondable resistance strain gages are for sensitive measurements such as modulus and yield strength
determination. The strain gage manufacturer supplies strain gage bonding procedures for use at cryogenic
temperatures. The overall range of strain gages at cryogenic temperatures is limited to about 2% strain.
Applicable strain gages recommended by strain gage manufacturers have temperature dependent calibration
data down to 77 K. Interest in their use down to 4 K has resulted in strain gage research verifying their
performance to 4 K (Ref 12). A typical gage factor (GF) is 2 for NiCr alloy foil gages and it increases
approximately 2 to 3% on cooling from 295 to 4 K. Thermal output strain signals are a large source of error that
must be compensated for. Compensation is usually accomplished using the bridge balance of the strain circuit
where zero strain can be adjusted to coincide with zero stress. If this is not possible, other steps must be taken
to electrically or mathematically correct the thermal output strain.
Extensometers and compressometers applicable to low-temperature tests utilize strain gages mounted to a
bending beam element. The temperature sensitivity can be determined by calibrating with a precision
calibration fixture that enables calibration at various temperatures. Depending on the accuracy desired, it is
possible to use one or two calibration factors over a large temperature range. A typical strain-gage
extensometer-calibration factor changes about ±1% over the temperature range from 295 to 4 K.
Temperature measurement is done with an assortment of temperature sensors. Reference 2 has a section
devoted to temperature measurement at low temperatures. The most common method of temperature
measurement is to use a thermocouple. Type E thermocouples (Chromel versus Constantan) and Type K
(Chromel versus Alumel) cover a wide range of temperature and can be used at 4 K when carefully calibrated.
A better choice of thermocouple, designed to have higher sensitivity at cryogenic temperatures, is a AuFe alloy
versus Chromel thermocouple. Electronic temperature sensors (diodes and resistance devices) are available
with readout devices that have higher precision than thermocouples. Silicon diodes, gallium-aluminum-arsenide
diode, carbon glass resistor, platinum resistor, and germanium resistor are some of the more commonly used
types of sensors.
Cryogenic temperature controllers that work with the types of temperature sensors named above are available.
The majority of temperature controllers vary heating power and require that the test chamber environment is
slightly cooler than the set-point temperature. The test engineer is responsible for the environmental chamber
and cooling medium of the system. The controllers use the temperature sensors as the feedback sensor to
operate a control loop and supply power for resistive heaters.
Additional Equipment Considerations. Teflon-insulated (E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Wilmington,
DE) lead wires are advisable at very low temperatures because the insulation will be less likely to crack and
cause problems. Electronic noise reduction can be an issue in low-temperature tests because lead wires tend to
be long. Standard methods of noise-reduction are shielding and grounding. Self-heating and thermocouple
effects are important issues at low temperatures. Precautions should be taken to ensure that thermal effects do
not mask the test data. Strain gage excitation voltages should be kept low. Reference 10 gives the parameters in
terms of power density for calculating excitation voltage to be used for strain gages at 4 K.
References cited in this section
2. R.P. Reed and A.F. Clark, Ed., Materials at Low Temperatures, ASM, 1983