Fatigue, Creep Fatigue, and Thermomechanical Fatigue Life Testing
Gary R. Halford and Bradley A. Lerch, Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field, National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Michael
A. McGaw, McGaw Technology, Inc.
Thermomechanical Fatigue
Thermal fatigue is a structural failure mode in many high-temperature components. Thermal fatigue loading is
induced by temperature gradients during transient heating or cooling from one high temperature of operation to
another. Thermal fatigue loading can also occur when heating and cooling are present simultaneously and
thermal gradients are maintained during steady-state operation. Internally air-cooled high-temperature turbine
blades are examples. Thermal gradients produce differential expansion as the hottest material wants to expand
more than the cooler, but is constrained from doing so by the cooler and stronger material. The constraint is
perceived by the hottest material as a compressive thermal strain that is no different in its effect on the material
than would be a mechanically induced strain of equal magnitude. Similarly, the coldest material is forced by the
hottest to expand more than normal. The thermally induced strain in the colder material is tensile. Conditions of
strain compatibility will be maintained. The corresponding thermal stresses result directly from the thermal
strains according to the current stress-strain relation and the necessity to obey the laws of equilibrium. The
integrated sum of the internal stresses into forces must always equal zero. Because of the gradients of the
primary variables, it is impossible to measure the thermal fatigue properties of a material in the same way that
isothermal fatigue or creep-fatigue properties are measured, that is, in terms of holding certain variables
constant while the response of the others are measured. To overcome this basic difficulty, TMF tests have been
Thermomechanical Fatigue Testing. The testing machine and specimen set up for TMF testing are essentially
the same as used for creep-fatigue testing or baseline high-temperature isothermal fatigue testing. The major
distinction is that the temperature of the specimen, instead of remaining constant, must be programmed to vary
in a precisely defined manner. Furthermore, the cycling rate must, at times, be rather high, requiring the ability
to heat and cool the test specimen as rapidly as possible without creating undue thermal gradients. This
requirement virtually rules out the use of conventional clamshell radiation furnaces because of their large
thermal inertia. Most commonly, induction heating is used. This is because of the reasonably high rates of
heating possible, and because the temperature gradient along the specimen gage length can be controlled better
with a three-zone induction heating coil arrangement, as shown in Fig. 11. Induction coils are also more
conducive for use of extensometers. Direct resistance heating, although not commonly used, has the capability
of heating a sample so rapidly that it could be melted in a matter of seconds. Heating is usually not the limiting
factor in governing the cycling rate, rather, cooling is. Forced air cooling has been used successfully. Jets of air
are impinged on the specimen surface along the gage length and around the circumference. Excessive cooling
induces thermal gradients and, hence, unwanted thermal stress and strains. A balance must be achieved between
cooling (as well as heating) rate and the extent of undesired thermally induced stresses and strains. Thermal
cycling rates as fast as 3 minutes per cycle are employed on a routine basis. A test run to 12,000 cycles requires
36,000 minutes or 600 hours. This is without consideration of a hold period at the peak temperature. A testing
program involving dozens of specimens could thus become extremely expensive and time consuming. Cycling
rates as high as 20 seconds per cycle have been achieved through diligence. However, the thermal gradients are
quite high and control of the temperature and strain is poor, although reproducible.
Raising the minimum temperature in the laboratory TMF cycle is a commonly used approach to help speed up
TMF testing frequency. This can considerably reduce the time needed to cool because cooling follows an
exponential decay curve. Removing the last portion of that curve can significantly decrease the cooling time per
cycle. However, the range of temperature is reduced in the process, and the measured TMF characteristics are
removed further from what occurs in most applications. For most industrial equipment, the minimum
temperature in a thermal fatigue cycle is ambient, and is considerably below the minimum temperature usually
selected for TMF testing. Normally, the testing conditions of temperature range, minimum temperature, and
cycling rate are determined by compromise. Regardless of the minimum temperature selected for testing, there
remains the desire to shorten the time per cycle; this leads to higher thermal gradients throughout the test