Fatigue, Creep Fatigue, and Thermomechanical Fatigue Life Testing
Gary R. Halford and Bradley A. Lerch, Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field, National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Michael
A. McGaw, McGaw Technology, Inc.
Process of Fatigue Crack Initiation and Early Growth
Fatigue crack initiation and early growth require cyclic inelastic deformation. For alloys and metals tested at
subcreep temperatures, the nonlinear inelastic behavior is invariably plasticity, that is, the slip associated with
dislocation motion along the most densely packed crystallographic planes aligned favorably with the maximum
resolved shear stress. In low-cycle fatigue testing, the cyclic plasticity is widely spread throughout the gage
portion of the specimen and is readily measured with commercially available strain measuring devices. In this
regime, the cyclic stresses will be near or above the conventional offset yield strength of the alloy. Cyclic strain
hardening or softening typically also occurs. On the other hand, at very long cyclic lives, cyclic plasticity is still
present, although certainly not detectable with conventional strain measurement techniques. Reversed
crystallographic slip is highly localized within a few of the most favorably oriented grains or near highly
localized stress concentrations. Stress-strain response appears to be totally elastic in this life regime. Because of
the extreme localization at the smallest cyclic stresses and strains and, hence, longest lives, the tendency is for
only one major crack to initiate and grow to failure in this regime. In the high-strain regime, corresponding to
low-cycle fatigue lives, there is a tendency for the material to develop multiple crack initiations and early
growth followed by eventual link-up of independent cracks into a single fatal fatigue crack. The transition
between low-cycle fatigue and high-cycle fatigue is essentially a gradual one with mechanisms varying more in
degree than in kind. The region between low- and high-cycle fatigue is referred to as intermediate-cycle fatigue.
With few exceptions, such as rolling-contact fatigue and influences of mechanical or metallurgical surface
treatments, cracks initiate at a free surface. Usually the surface is the external surface of the specimen, although
it could be an internal surface associated with a void or a debonded internal particle. Cyclic plasticity is less
constrained at a free surface due to the fewer nearest neighbors and, hence, fewer atomic bonds available to
inhibit dislocation motion. Dislocations also exit and disappear at free surfaces, leaving one atomic-sized step
for each dislocation that exists on a particular slip plane. Typically, more than one slip plane is involved. Any
given slip plane experiences nonreversed slip, that is, the amount of slip in the slip direction of the plane during
one direction of loading is not recovered in the opposite direction when the direction of loading is reversed.
Rather, the overall deformation is recovered, but some of it may be on parallel slip planes. The active parallel
slip planes are separated by numerous atomic distances and form what are known as slip bands. Within a band
the to-and-fro slip is not uniform, resulting in considerable disarray beneath the surface and outcroppings that
are highly irregular. These are referred to as persistent slip bands, that is, those deeper than several microns
below the free surface. Persistent slip bands remain active throughout the bulk of the cyclic life.
As the number of applied fatigue cycles of cyclic plasticity increase, the severity of the irregularity increases
until such time as the outcroppings form extrusion-intrusion pairs within the slip bands. Intrusions are the
nuclei or formative stages of atomic-sized fatigue cracks known as stage I cracks (defined as cracking along the
crystallographic slip plane). The intrusion grows slowly with continued cycling. Once the depth of the intrusion
is great enough, the surrounding material perceives it as a crack that exerts its own highly localized stress-strain
field. At this stage of the evolving fatigue process, the stress-strain field of the nucleated crack, which
superimposes itself on the applied stress-strain field, becomes the dominant field. The cracking response
changes accordingly, and the global crack direction turns to become perpendicular to the maximum principal
stress direction immediately in front of the crack. This signals the onset of stage II fatigue cracking, which
generally prevails until fatigue failure occurs. Inspection of a fatigue fracture surface with the naked eye
generally reveals primarily stage II cracking because stage I cracks are seldom greater than a grain size or two
in depth. Cracks may also start at the location of surface irregularities due to grain boundaries, chemical attack,
and casting or machining imperfections. Nevertheless, cyclic plasticity is always a necessary ingredient for the
nucleation process.
Although the scenario described above is simplified, it provides phenomenological insight into the gradual,
progressive nature of the fatigue process that is useful in understanding cyclic testing in the low-, intermediate-,
and high-cycle fatigue regimes. There are no sharp demarcations between the three regions when described by