Interchangeable Lenses. It is convenient, but not essential, for the camera to have interchangeable lenses. Most
needs can be met with a standard 55 mm lens--the faster the better. For photographing remote images, a telephoto lens
(for example, one with a 135 mm focal length) is often desirable. Extension tubes 25 and 50 mm lengths are an
inexpensive but useful way to obtain closer working distances from the standard 55 mm lens. Several wide-angle to
medium-telephoto macrozoom lenses are available. Generally, in making holographic reconstructions, the light levels are
fairly low, so lenses with small f-numbers are recommended for shorter exposures and smaller speckle size.
The better the quality of the photographic negative, the better the final print. For the best negatives possible, a large-
format camera, such as a 100 by 125 mm (4 by 5 in.) view camera, should be used. Such a camera also provides the
option of using Polaroid film, which is often quite convenient. A standard 135 mm lens will serve for most purposes. A
90 mm wide-angle lens and a 250 mm telephoto lens will accommodate unusual situations.
Photographic Film Specifications. The choice of photographic film is not critical. Some inadequacies in the original
reconstruction can be partially compensated for in the darkroom. For example, the recording of high-contrast, high-order
fringes in a time-average interferogram requires a dynamic range not obtainable with existing film material. To
compensate for the overbright, zero-order fringe and to enhance the weaker, higher-order fringes, a superproportional
reducer such as a 20% solution of ammonium persulfate can be used. The reducer takes silver from those portions of the
negative where there is the most, thus enhancing the weakly recorded higher-order fringes. Special high-contrast copy
films, such as Kodak 410, are available and are excellent for making reconstructions that are to be used for quantitative
data reduction. For maximum resolution in the reconstruction, moderate-speed or slow-speed films are best. In general,
the faster the film, the grainier the image. When a high f-number camera is used, however, graininess of the image will be
determined by speckle size, not film noise. For qualitative purposes or for a record only, almost any film can be used. For
convenience, high-speed films, such as Polaroid type 57 (ASA 3000), are favored.
It is not possible to record everything that can be observed in the holographic image. Lateral motion often prevents a
fringe pattern from localizing on the surface of the object. As a consequence, when a large-aperture optical system having
a very short depth of field is focused on the object, the fringes may vanish. They lie outside the depth of field of the lens
and are blurred out. To increase the depth of field, the lens aperture can be decreased, but this also increases the size of
the speckles in the resulting reconstruction.
Electronic Readout
Photographs serve well for archival purposes. However, if there is to be any further manipulation of the data, position and
density information in the photographic negative or in the image must be converted to numerical values. This can be
accomplished by using a standard television-type video system and one of several flexible, multiple-purpose systems for
electronic image processing. Analog image processors permit several types of image enhancement, including edge
enhancement, boundary detection, area determination, particle counts, and color coding of displays by density level.
The digital image processing of holographic images permits direct and automatic interpretation of fringe patterns,
resulting in psuedo-three-dimensional displays of object contour or deformation. Computer algorithms are available for
the conversion of fringes from a single interferogram image. In addition, the holographic recording and readout system
can be altered so that several images of the interferogram can be processed to produce displacement information,
providing in some cases nearly a 1000-fold improvement in sensitivity over conventional holographic interferometry.
Among these techniques are phase stepping and heterodyne holographic interferometry. The principles behind their
operation are explained in the section "Interpretation of Inspection Results" in this article.
For inspection functions, many of the standard video methods are applicable. Because the diffraction of a typical
hologram is low (<3% of the incident light), it is advisable to use a television-type video system with a camera capable of
operating at low light levels, although a standard television camera is often satisfactory. Cameras capable of operating at
low light levels are discussed in the section "Television Cameras" of the article "Radiographic Inspection" in this Volume.
The resolution available with electronic readout varies from that afforded by charge coupled device array cameras and
standard 525-line video cameras to 1000- and 2000-line high-resolution video cameras. For even higher resolution, a
special scanner-type readout system, such as an image dissector, flying spot, or laser scanner, is required. However,
because these special scanning systems generally work from photographic film inputs, their high resolution is gained at
the expense of not being able to take advantage of the real-time nature of electronic readout.