Noncontact trigger probes are used in a similar manner to the contact touch-trigger probes described above.
However, with noncontact probes, a beam of light (generally a diode) is used (operating as an optical switch) to probe the
workpiece rather than the physical contact of a probe tip. The probe is permanently set to a specific stand-off distance at
which the laser beam is triggered and measurements are taken. Because the probe never comes in contact with the part,
the likelihood of damage to the probe or part is greatly reduced, and the measurement speed is greatly improved with only
slight reduction in accuracy.
Touch Scanners. This type of probe, which produces analog readings instead of the digital measurements produced by
the probes mentioned above, is used for taking contour measurements. These probes remain in contact with the workpiece
as they move along its surface.
Laser probes primarily provide measurements of contoured surfaces, but do so without coming in contact with the
surface. Laser probes project a beam of laser light, called a footprint, onto the surface of the part, the position of which is
then read by triangulation through the lens in the probe receptor. This triangulation (much like surveying) in turn provides
the actual position and so on, of the feature on the part being measured.
Vision Probes. This type of sensor is the most recent and sophisticated addition to the sensor systems currently in use.
Vision is another form of noncontact sensing and is especially useful where very high speed inspection or measurement is
required. In this system, the part is not measured directly. Instead, an electronic representation of it is measured and
evaluated. The various features of this image of the workpiece (size, shape, location, and so on) are measured in
comparison to various electronic models of expected results by counting the pixels of the electronic image. From this, the
true nature of the part being inspected can be inferred and reported.
Probe Changers. Probe changers store alternative and/or backup probes, permitting the exchange or replacement of
various probes automatically. The measurement routine of a given part may call for the use of different probes or sensors
to measure particular features of the part. A deep bore may require the use of a probe with an elongated tip, for example,
while other features may require different specialized probes. The type of probe to be used for the measurement of every
feature of a part is written into the parts program (the software program that controls that particular CMM operation). By
utilizing a probe changer, which attaches to the CMM, the entire measurement routine can be carried out without stopping
for probe changes and without operator intervention.
Computer Hardware. The computer is the heart of the CMM system, giving it the capabilities and versatility that are
rapidly making CMMs essential to efficient manufacturing. The computer receives that measurement data gathered by the
CMM and, taking guidance from the software program, manipulates it into the forms required by the user. The computer
also performs the essential function of automatically aligning parts for measurement and automatically compensating for
errors within the structure of the machine. In DCC applications, the computer also operates the CMM.
Because of the vital role of the computer, there are several points the CMM buyer must be aware of. Primarily, the buyer
will want to be sure that the operating system is designed to run without assistance or information from the user. The
CMM user does not want to become involved in computer programming. The user needs a fast, efficient computer that
supports a state-of-the-art operating system (and peripherals, that is, printer, plotter, and so on) and has good, widespread
service support. The state-of-the-art permits the user to plug in the CMM and, after proper installation, testing, and
qualification, insert the software needed (available as off-the-shelf items) and then immediately begin measuring parts.
The user can communicate with and give instructions to the computer (via the software) in a number of convenient ways--
for example, with keyboards, function keys, light pens, touch-sensitive video screens, or a mouse. Most of these devices
are excellent for a laboratory or office, but in the shop, the simplest methods requiring the fewest parts, such as touch-
sensitive screens, tend to work best. No matter what method is used, however, the CMM operator does not need, nor
necessarily will he benefit from, specialized computer training.
Computer Software. Although the computer if the heart of the CMM, it is the software that enables the system to
fulfill its potential. Not many years ago, obtaining the appropriate application software to run measurement routines
necessitated writing a program in Fortran or Basic, but the situation has very nearly completely reversed itself today.
Software for the CMM has been refined to the extend that no computer programming knowledge or experience is needed
to run even the most sophisticated measurement programs available.
Virtually all CMM software consists of off-the-shelf, menu-driven (that is, the program asks the operator what he wants
to do and even prompts the most likely choice) programs that are very user-friendly, with comprehensive, solid help