in Quantitative NDE, Plenum Press, 1987
D.L. Atherton and S. Sullivan, The Remote-Field Through-Wall
Electromagnetic Technique for Pressure
Tubes, Mater. Eval., Vol 44, Dec 1986
S. Palanissimy, in Reviews of Progress in Quantitative NDE, Plenum Press, 1987
Remote-Field Eddy Current Inspection
J.L. Fisher, Southwest Research Institute
Techniques Used to Increase Flaw Detection Sensitivity
Two general areas--sensor configuration and signal processing--have been identified for improvements in the use of
RFEC inspection that would allow it to achieve greater effective flaw sensitivity.
Sensor Configuration. For the detection of localized flaws, such as corrosion pits, the results of the unperturbed and
the flaw-response models suggest that a receiver coil oriented to detect magnetic flux in a direction other than axial might
provide increased flaw sensitivity. This suggestion was motivated by the fact that the field lines in the remote-field region
are approximately parallel to the pipe wall, as shown in Fig. 6. Thus, a sensor designed to pick up axial magnetic flux, B
would always respond to the unperturbed (no-flaw) field; a flaw response would be a perturbation to this primary field. If
the sensor were oriented to receive radial flux, B
, then the unperturbed flux would be reduced and the flaw signal
correspondingly enhanced. This approach has been successful; a comparison of a B
sensor and a B
sensor used to detect
simulated corrosion pits showed that the B
probe is much more sensitive. A B
sensor would also minimize the
transmitter coil signal from a flaw, which is always present when a B
sensor is used, thus eliminating the double signals
from a single source. This configuration appears to be very useful for the detection of localized flaws, but does not appear
to have an advantage for the measurement of wall thickness using the unperturbed field.
Signal Processing. The second area of possible improvement in RFEC testing is the use of improved signal-processing
techniques. Because it was observed that the exciter/sensor phase delay was directly proportional to wall thickness in
ferromagnetic tubes, measurement of sensor phase has been the dominant method of signal analysis (Ref 1). However, it
is possible to display both the magnitude and phase of the sensor voltage or, correspondingly, the complex components of
the sensor voltage. This latter representation (impedance plane) is identical to that used in modern eddy current testing
instrumentation for probes operated in a driver/pickup mode. Figures 7 and 8 show the results of using this type of
display. Figure 7 shows the data from a scan through a carbon steel tube with simulated outside surface pits of 30, 50, and
70% of nominal wall thickness. A B
probe was used for the experiment. Figure 8 shows the horizontal and vertical
channels after the scan data were rotated by 100°. Much of the noise was eliminated in this step.