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Models for Predicting NDE Reliability
J.N. Gray, T.A. Gray, N. Nakagawa, and R.B. Thompson, Center for NDE, Iowa State University
Radiographic Inspection Model
In radiographic modeling, one is essentially trying to predict how the two-dimensional projection of an irregularly shaped
object changes as the position of the object changes with respect to the x-ray beam and detector and, further, to study the
degree to which various parameters control image quality (Ref 35, 36). The requirements for a quantitative model of the
radiographic process consist of the ability to predict the output of an x-ray generator, the interaction of the x-ray beam
with the sample, and the detector characteristics. The capability to handle complex part geometries and non-trivial flaw
morphologies is required if the simulation is to have wide application.
Gray et al. have developed a full three-dimensional radiography model that generates a two-dimensional (x,y) film image
(Ref 37, 38) rather than the one-dimensional source-sample-detector dimension previously modeled (Ref 39). The full