Sill of the Indicator Model
In the stationary case, the sill of the indicator variogram for facies F
is equal to
). As there is no link between the sill of the indicator variograms and that
ofthegaussians, wecan choose any sill forthe latter and the standar d normal N(0,1)
is the simplest choice. In the case of non stationarity, we can no longer speak of a
sill. The variogram shape for long distances can be rather complicated; it need not
stabilize. This often happens for vertical variograms. This long distance shape is
completely controlled by the proportions.
Shape of the Indicator Model
We are now going to see which features of the variogram of the gaussian functions
reappear in the indicator variogr am. Figure 6.2 shows a gaussian variogram with a
range of 50, and the corresponding indicator variogram for the truncated gaussian
model. We already know (see Chap. 3) that the indicator variogram cannot have a
zero derivative at the origin. We see here that the indicator variogram is linear near
the origin. The curvature near the origin which is characteristic of the gaussian
variogram has disappeared.
Now look at Fig. 6.3 which shows an exponential variogram with the same
practical range of 50, and the corresponding indicator variogram (same propor-
tion and sam e rock-type rule as in Fig. 6.2). In this case, the overall shape of the
indicator variogram for the exponential is closer to that of the exponential than
for the gaussian variogram in Fig. 6.2. In gene ral, there is less diff erence
between the shapes of the indicator variograms than between those of the
underlying gaussians. So it is not possible to determine the type of model or
its param eters from the indicator variogram. In top of this as will be seen in the
next section, changes in the proportions have are marked impact on their shape.
So the choice between a gaussian variogram and an exponential is made by
studying the consequences of this choice on the resulting simulations, especially
the continuity and regularity of each facies, rather than the shape of the
Practical Range of the Indicator Model
The previous figures correspond to the facies F
in the rocktype rule given in
Fig. 6.4. Figure 6.5 shows the indicator variogram for facies F
using the same
exponential variogram and the same proportion (33%) as in Fig. 6.3. These figures
clearly show that the practical range of the indicator variogram depends on the
position of the corresponding facies in the rocktype rule as well as the practical
range of the gaussian function variogram.
Comparing Variogram Models for Indicators and Gaussian Functions 97