Page 496
International Criminal Court (ICC) 277–9
nationality principle 44
non-justiciability and 161
passive personality principle 45
protective principle 45
territorial principle 44
universal and quasi-universal 45–6, 284
terrorism 289
jus cogens 11
Kelsen, Hans 9
kidnapping see abduction
Kiel canal 364
Kosovo 20, 225, 230, 232
border demarcation 220
boundary demarcation 34
Iraq’s annexation (1990) 37, 214, 215, 217
hostage-taking during 294
reparations 419
UN Compensation Commission 446–8
liberation of 225, 229
Latvia 26, 393
succession to treaties and 398–9
lawyers, international 4–5
League of Nations mandated territories 32
leases, acquisition of territory by 39–41
legal personality
EU 479–80
international organisations 198–9
see also corporations
legal process, service on diplomatic missions 126
Leonine (unequal) treaties 107, 108–9
lex ferenda 9, 10
lex lata 10
Liberia 230
liberty, right to 240
UN sanctions 218, 219, 221
US attack on (1986) 228
life, right to 239