Egypt 392, 403
Suez canal 363
crisis (1956) 217, 363
Eichmann, Adolf 49
elections, free 242, 243
employment contracts, state immunity and 168–9
energy sector 382
environment 327–9
Antarctica 358–9
biological diversity conservation 337–8
definitions 329
development of international environmental law 329–30
environmental impact assessment (EIA) 332–3
liability for damage 342–3, 344
marine environment 323, 341–3
dumping at sea 343
emergencies 342
fishery protection 334–6
liability for damage 342–3
whaling 322, 333–4
nuclear material 340–1
ozone layer and climate change 338–40
polluter pays principle 331–2
precautionary approach 330–1
sustainable development 332
trade in hazardous wastes 343
wildlife 336–7
erga omnes obligations 10
Eritrea 24
error correction, treaties 110–11
Estonia 26, 393
succession to treaties and 398–9
estoppel (preclusion) 9
European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) 467
European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) 467
European Convention on Human Rights 237–8, 440
European Court of Human Rights 246
European Economic Area (EEA) 482
European Space Agency 370
European Union (EU) 2, 196, 197, 466–7
acquis communautaire 481