Chapter 35 • Commonly Confused Words 655
Though / Through / Threw
though: however; nevertheless; in spite of (conjunction)
I’ll be there, though I might be a little late.
through: fi nished with (adjective); from one side to the other (preposition)
Jenna is through with school in May.
Go through the fi rst set of doors.
threw: hurled, tossed (past tense of the verb throw)
She threw away the garbage.
Jimmy threw the ball, and it went through the window, though he had not
aimed it there.
she loved him, she him out because she couldn’t
go any more pain.
To / Too / Two
to: a word indicating a direction or movement (preposition); part of the
infi nitive form of a verb
I am going to the food store.
Do you want to see a movie?
too: also; more than enough; very (adverb)
Toni was sick too.
The car was going too fast.
two: the number between one and three
There are two tables.
They went to a restaurant and ordered too much food for two people.
The friends started dance, but it was crowded
to move.
Use / Used
use: to employ or put into service (verb)
I use this grill all the time.
used: past tense of the verb use. Used to can indicate a past fact or state,
or it can mean “familiar with.”
I used the grill last night to cook chicken.
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