Capillary electrophoresis
the petroleum industry
is fully ionized at pH 6.8, therefore increasing the pH of the electrolyte above
6.8 does not lead to an increase in EOF. It can, however, influence CE separa-
tions due to the effect on the ionic state of the analyte. The EOF can be affected
by modifying the state of the capillary walls. The addition of cationic surfactants
at millimolar concentrations can reverse the EOF. The positively charged surfac-
tant molecules form a layer at the surface of the capillary and effectively create a
positively-charged surface instead of a negative silica surface. Hydroxide ions in
the electrolyte will therefore associate with the coated surface. When the voltage
is applied, the hydroxide ions migrate towards the anode, i.e. the “normal” elec-
tro-osmotic flow is reversed. Similar results can be obtained by coating the capil-
lary with positively charged polymers. The stability of the coating, however, can
be adversely affected by the applied electric field, leading to poor reproducibil-
ity. Coating of the capillary with a neutral polymer can almost eliminate the
EOF, alternatively the injected samples may react with the walls and modify the
EOF. It is also possible to alter the ionized state of the capillary wall by coating
it with a weak acid. Positive or negatively-charged walls can be generated de-
pending on the pH
the electrolyte used. Further control of the EOF can be
gained by modifying the viscosity of the electrolyte; as the viscosity increases,
the EOF velocity decreases and this has been used to successfully separate sur-
factant species (Fig. 14.6).
Application work using FZCE must be defined by reference to the actual EOF
observed. The EOF can be determined using a neutral-charged marker molecule
(such as a UV-absorbing organic compound, e.g. formamide). Migration of a
neutral marker in a
60 cm capillary, at pH
and at an applied voltage
will take approximately 10 min, giving a calculated value of the EOF
of 0.26pVmin. This value will vary, depending on the pH, nature and concen-
tration of the electrolyte and the applied voltage. The EOF can be compared to
the flow
solvent from
HPLC pump. It
necessary to maintain a constant
EOF to obtain stable migration times, just
it is important in HPLC for the
pump to give a stable flow for reproducible retention times. FZCE is a popular
mode of CE as it is relatively easy to predict the effect that modifications to the
analytical conditions will have
the subsequent separation. For this reason,
there are a large number of published papers and referenced applications.
Manipulation of the EOF and the factors that affect it are both the benefit and
the problem with FZCE. For the technique to be successful in a modern analyti-
cal laboratory, it is necessary to ensure that the EOF
correctly controlled. This
is especially true when analysing unknown samples; the operator must be wary
of the effect the sample analytes can have on the EOF. For this reason, there are
number of capillary conditioning steps that can be used to minimize these ef-
fects. Rinsing the capillary with potassium hydroxide (normally at
strength) between samples is often used to remove sample components which
References pp.