Paper P3: Business analysis
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The IT department of a company that writes software for other departments might
set a target for the programs that it writes of no more than 3.4 coding errors per 1
million lines of software code.
5.2 The basic approach in Six Sigma
A definition of Six Sigma will help to explain its key features. Six Sigma has been
defined as ‘a data-driven method for achieving near-perfect quality. Six Sigma
analysis can focus on any element of production or service, and has a strong
emphasis on statistical analysis in design, manufacturing and customer-oriented
activities’ (UK Department of Trade and Industry).
The basic objective with Six Sigma is to focus on improvements in processes and a
reduction in variations. Perfection is achieved by reducing the amount of
variations in processes. For example, if a product is designed with a length of
exactly one metre, Six Sigma improvements might be aimed at reducing the
variation in the length of products actually manufactured to acceptable tolerance
limits of, say, plus or minus one millimetre.
The aim of Six Sigma is to improve customer satisfaction. Its approach is to apply a
standard approach (a structured methodology) to reduce and control the causes of
variation in a process, and to focus on reducing the standard deviation of actual
performance from the target specification.
The Six Sigma approach relies heavily on statistical measurements. Actual
performance is measured and compared with the target, and the number of ‘defects’
– products or processes that fail to meet acceptable standards – can be established,
to see whether the required quality standards have been achieved.
Another feature of Six Sigma is that project teams are established to achieve the
required improvements in processes or products. These project teams should consist
of representatives from every department or aspect of operations that might
contribute towards making the required improvements. The projects teams should
be led by individuals who are specially trained in Six Sigma methods, who are
commonly called Master Black Belts, Black Belts and Green Belts, according to their
level of skill and knowledge of Six Sigma.
General Electric Company, another US company that adopted Six Sigma methods,
has stated that Six Sigma is based on the following key concepts:
‘Critical to quality’. These are attributes or characteristics of a product or service
that are the most important to customers.
Defect. This is failing to deliver what the customer wants.
Process capability. This is the level of quality or performance that a process is
capable of achieving.
Variation. This refers to variations in quality that the customer can see or feel in
a product or service.
Stable operations. This means consistent and predictable processes and
operations that improve what customers see and feel.