Paper P3: Business analysis
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The importance of planning and documenting each test
All tests should be planned. The test plans, and the results of the tests, should be
Tests on software and systems must be planned for several reasons:
The person carrying out the tests has to make sure that the program or system
meets its specifications. To do this, specific tests must be devised. Each part of
the specification must be tested. In software testing, all logical combinations of
input or processing conditions must be tested. Planning is needed to make sure
that nothing is overlooked.
A test is a check on whether a program or the system will work in the way that
should be expected. A program or system works properly only if it processes
data in the way that it is expected. To carry out the check, it is necessary to
compare the actual output from a program or system, and compare it with the
output that should be expected.
Test plans can be documented, and the results of each test recorded to confirm
that the software or system passed each test successfully. Errors that are found
in the tests should also be recorded, and further tests should be planned and
recorded after the error has been corrected. The documentation of testing
provides a record that the testing has been successfully completed.
Planning tests provides a system for control over testing procedures and
systems. If an error is found after testing has been completed, the test plans and
results can be checked to find out why the error was not identified in testing.
Presumably, when errors are not found in testing, the tests were not thorough.
4.7 The Capability Maturity Model
The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) was developed by the Software Engineering
Institute (SEI) of Carnegie Mellon University. It describes how entities develop
software. The model recognises five stages that entities progress through as they
become more sophisticated in their use of IT.
The CMM concentrates on evaluating an entity’s ability to perform its software
development processes successfully and it gives guidance on how to improve these
capabilities. The model is therefore often referred to as the Capability Maturity
Model Integration (CMMI) process.
The CMM identifies 5 levels of capability in processes. This applies to all processes,
but in particular to the development of new software (IS/IT systems). Entities are
encouraged to move up to a higher level, and the model provides guidance for an
entity that is at one level on the best way of moving up to the next level.
The objective of SEI was to bring discipline to the development of software. This
should result in better-quality software that could be developed in a more
predictable way so that there is a greater chance of staying within the cost, quality
time constraints. The approach relies on:
Identifying current capability level.
Identifying required or desired capabilities of the next level.