Chapter 1: The conceptual framework
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When the financial statements of an entity comply fully with International
Financial Reporting Standards, this fact should be disclosed.
An entity should not claim to comply with IFRSs unless it complies with all the
requirements of every applicable Standard.
IAS1 appears to equate fair presentation with compliance with accounting
In some situations fair presentation may require more than this. It is important to
apply the spirit (or general intention) behind an accounting standard as well as the
strict letter (what the standard actually says).
The requirement to ‘present fairly’ also applies to transactions which are not
covered by any specific accounting standard. It is worth noting that there is no IFRS
that covers complex transactions and arrangements which have been deliberately
structured so that their economic substance is different from their legal form.
IAS 1 states that a fair presentation requires an entity:
to select and apply accounting policies in accordance with IAS8 Accounting
policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors. IAS8 explains how an
entity should develop an appropriate accounting policy where there is no
to present information in a manner that provides relevant, reliable, comparable
and understandable information
to provide additional disclosures where these are necessary to enable users to
understand the impact of particular transactions and other events on the entity’s
financial performance and financial position (even where these are not required
by IFRSs).
6.3 Where fair presentation conflicts with an accounting standard
IAS1 acknowledges that in extremely rare circumstances compliance with a
standard or an Interpretation may produce financial statements that are so
misleading that they do not provide useful information and no longer give a fair
An entity can then depart from the requirements of the standard or interpretation. It
must disclose:
that management has concluded that the financial statements present fairly the
entity’s financial position, financial performance and cash flows;
that it has complied with applicable standards and interpretations, except that it
has departed from a particular requirement to achieve a fair presentation;
the title of the standard or interpretation from which the entity has departed, the
nature of the departure, including the treatment that the standard or
interpretation would require, the reason why that treatment would be
misleading, and the treatment adopted; and